First Comes Loathe (Blue Collar Bensons 1) - Page 36

“For real,” JP added. “And if you think for one second Mom was upset with your decision, you’re crazy. She was proud as fuck of you. For fuck’s sake, the military is where you learned to be a damn good mechanic. Keith, it set you up with life skills that ensure you’ll never live in a shithole like we did growing up.”

“You have got to let this go,” Ian said from the computer. “If you really want to help us and protect us, then you need get rid of the unwarranted guilt, Keith.”

His shoulders sagged. He’d been carrying this heaviness for so long. How was he supposed to suddenly turn off the instinct to payback four years of absence by making his father his responsibility?

Ronnie stood and walked until she was in front of him. Then she sat on the coffee table and grabbed his hands. “You’re the best oldest brother a girl could ever have,” she said in a shaky voice, making him grunt out a tiny laugh. “Please don’t pay that money,” she whispered. “He’s a lead weight, and he’ll drag you down. Maybe not today, but it will happen.”

Keith stared at his baby sister’s sorrowful expression. So often, he still thought of her as the six-year-old who annoyed the hell out of the boys by following them everywhere. He remembered defending her from bullies, helping her with homework, and making sure she had enough food to eat when there was none in the house. It was easy to forget she was a grown adult. A strong and independent one.

He squeezed her hands as Jagger piped in. “I’m with Ronnie on this. We need to take a stand as a family. No money and no rescuing from bars. If he’s gonna get arrested or beat to shit, let it happen.”

From the computer, Jimmy winced but didn’t disagree. He was the quietest and most introspective of the siblings. Keith wasn’t surprised at all he didn’t contribute much to the conversation.

“He doesn’t deserve our kindness, but this is more about protecting ourselves from more of his damage. All of us.” Jagger narrowed his eyes at Keith.

Still in rare serious mode, JP piped in. “Mom wouldn’t have wanted this for you, Keith. You can’t possibly believe she would have. I promise you, you aren’t betraying her by turning your back on Dad. You need to for your mental health and happiness. For all of ours. We love you for always wanting to protect us, but Keith, we are all adults just as much as you are. Even me, at times.” Leave it to JP to try to lighten the mood.

He nodded. When had all his younger siblings become the reasonable ones who helped him?

“Look, I know your head’s probably fried right now, so go to work, and we can talk more later. Just promise us you won’t give Harvey a dime. Okay?” Ian said from the computer.

Keith met the gaze of each of his siblings. Not a single doubt shone in their eyes. They were all one hundred percent on board with this plan. “I promise.”

“Good.” Ronnie stood, kissed the top of his head, then said, “Now get the hell to work. What kind of lazy business owner are you, hanging around at home all morning?”

He laughed out of obligation, but they probably realized it was forced. And the second he left, they’d most likely dissect every word of the conversation. But he needed air, so he stood and headed outside without saying anything else.

The fresh, chilly air helped release some of the heaviness from his chest. A bird squawked somewhere in the distance, and the sun shone at an angle. All in all, it was a beautiful day. His siblings discovered his long-held secret, and the world still turned. The urge to keep the stress of their father from touching them was still there, but once he had a chance to process, hopefully he’d feel lighter.

As he jogged down the walkway toward his car, he inhaled a cleansing breath.

What the…

Did he smell smoke?

He sniffed again. Yes, definitely smoke. A quick glance down the block had him dropping his sweatshirt and sprinting towards Michaela’s house. Black smoke poured out of the front window on the right side of her house. With each step, the shrill blare of her smoke alarm grew louder.


He picked up his pace, forcing his legs to pump faster than they’d ever moved before. With every pound of his feet on the ground, his mind spun further out of control. Images of Michaela lying passed out on the floor while flames licked at her beautiful skin had him pushing himself until his lungs felt they would burst.

This was what he got for thinking life was getting sweeter.

Keith bounded up the steps leading to Michaela’s wraparound porch. He tapped the doorknob, which felt cool as a cucumber, before twisting.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Blue Collar Bensons Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024