First Comes Loathe (Blue Collar Bensons 1) - Page 48

“Don’t you fucking dare,” he roared as he slapped the phone out of her hands. It clattered to the ground and skittered across the asphalt way too far out of reach. As she swiveled her head from watching her last hope fly across the parking lot back toward Keith’s father, a fiery explosion of pain bloomed across her face.

He’d slapped her so hard, he unbalanced himself, stumbling to the side and nearly falling on his ass.

Mickie half gasped and half screamed as she cradled her cheek. He recovered way faster than he should have, considering his intoxicated state. Before the shock of the pain and fact she’d been assaulted registered, he was back on her, shoving her against the car with a forearm across her chest.

He grabbed her face so hard, her lips pouched out, and her jaw felt as though it would shatter in his grip. The cheek he’d smacked burned as though she’d been bitten by hundreds of fire ants.

She whimpered as tears sprung to her eyes.

“Bet he won’t want to fuck you anymore if I mess up this pretty face.” He spoke so close to her she could easily see the unfocused glassiness to his eyes. The same damn eyes Keith had, only these held sickness and hate. “That’ll teach him to abandon his fucking father.” His lips curled up in a sinister grin. “Yeah. I think I’ll do that. Leave you out here bleeding and sniveling while I go in and have a chat with my son.”

Despite the pain and near paralyzing fear, her brain scrambled, trying to come up with a way to keep him from harming Keith or destroying the shop.

His grip grew tighter as his arm released her chest, but she felt no reprieve because that hand was going to be used to hit her again. Or worse.

“S’not alone,” she managed to squeeze out through her sore mouth.

“The fuck you say?” He released her mouth, instead, grabbing her hair and yanking her head back with a rough jerk.

She yelped and clawed at his arm to no avail.

“What the fuck did you say?” he growled, yanking her head back and forth until her brain rattled.

“I s-said he’s not a-alone. J-Jagger and JP.” It was the best she could do. Maybe he’d think twice about charging in there if he was outnumbered.

“You’re lying.” Spit hit her cheek and she cringed.

As disgusting as it was, the urge to wipe it away was overshadowed by fear of what was to come.

“N-no. I’m not. T-they’re all i-in there. G-guys’ night.”

Please buy it. Please buy it.

He twisted his hand until it felt like he’d rip her scalp right off. She cried out. “I’m not lying!”

“He owes me.” His bloated face hovered inches above her, wafting her with the disgusting stench of body odor and booze. “That no-good, worthless, piece-of-shit—”


“I’m right fucking here,” a deadly voice rang out from nearby.


Her eyes fell closed as relief washed over her. But it only lasted a second. His father was drunk, erratic, and nasty. Who the hell knew what he was capable of?

“Why don’t you let my customer go and talk to me?”

Mickie held her breath, not even daring to blink.

His father laughed without turning away from her. “Why would I want to talk to a piece of shit like you when I got such a pretty friend right here?” He gave her head a shake. The pain had tears leaking from the corners of her eyes.

“Because I’m the one who’s gonna blow a fucking hole through you if you don’t.” Keith’s lethal tone had her trembling inside. He’d do it. In that moment she had no doubt he’d shoot his father if the man didn’t walk away from her.

Maybe it was the gun or perhaps the way Keith spoke the threat, but something penetrated the man’s sloshy brain, and his hand disappeared from her head. The urge to reach up and rub her sore scalp hit strong, but she stayed frozen against her car.

Keith’s father laughed as he spun toward his son. No surprise, he overshot the mark and stumbled forward. “You don’t got the balls to shoot me.” His tone held a mocking hatred that a parent should never feel for their son. Despite her fear, pain, and panic, Mickie was profoundly sad about what Keith and the rest of the Benson kids must have experienced growing up.

His staggered as he walked toward Keith.

Mickie’s hands started to tremble. Then her legs. Soon her entire body was shaking. Even her teeth chattered as a cold wave washed over her.

What the hell was happening?

Keith kept his frigid gaze on his father. He didn’t so much as glance in her direction. “Trust me, old man, I’ve got the balls. In fact, I’d take pleasure in watching you bleed right now. But I’ll give you one chance to get the fuck off my property.”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Blue Collar Bensons Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024