First Comes Loathe (Blue Collar Bensons 1) - Page 57

Ugh. How embarrassing. “Uh, no, I haven’t.” There was that disappointment kicking in again.

“Well, this afternoon, Ronnie, JP, and I are dragging him kicking and screaming to pick apples and pumpkins at a farm outside of town. Ever done it?”

“Nope.” She laughed. “Back in—” Holy shit! She’d nearly blurted out that back in Hollywood, that wasn’t really a thing. “No, I’ve never done that.”

“Well then, you should come with us. I think you’ll love it. Fresh air, apple cider donuts, mulled cider. It’s all good stuff. Kinda a family tradition we started with my mom when we were kids. We still go every year,”

As an only child whose father left when she was very young and whose mother passed away early, Mickie didn’t have a single family tradition to uphold. Sure, she and Ralph spent the holidays together, but those often ended up being sad days where she’d end up wasted and feeling sorry for herself. Apple picking with the Benson crew sounded wonderful. “I don’t want to intrude.”

He snorted. “Pretty sure Ronnie will love me best when she finds out I got another female to come along. She’s always complaining there’s too much testosterone in our family. JP bringing his flavor of the week around doesn’t count, or so I’m told.”

“Yeah, I understand how being the only woman with all you guys would get to a girl.” Say no. Say no. “Okay, I’ll come. It sounds fun. Thanks.”

It’d have been an easy yes if Keith wasn’t involved. Now she’d have to spend an awkward afternoon tiptoeing around him.

With a hickey on her neck.

But she’d loved her dinner with the other Bensons. They lived so close, and she really wanted them to become close friends. She envied their sibling connection but also enjoyed their company individually. She would just have to feel out Keith’s mood and if he seemed distressed by her presence, she’d avoid him as much as possible.

“Great! Ronnie and I’ll pick you up at three-thirty. Keith and JP are coming straight from the garage, so they’ll drive separately. Let’s talk about this island. You want to extend it, right?” he asked, as though inviting her to pick apples with him and his family was no big deal, which to him, it probably wasn’t. But to her, it was huge.

She’d attended A-list parties on a weekly basis in LA, lunched and brunched with her “friends,” and frequented swanky clubs. Now, with that part of her life in the rear-view mirror, she realized none of those events and activities happened because people wanted to hang out with her for her personality or company. It was her status, money, and name that garnered all those invitations. Jagger asked her along for the sole purpose of having fun with him and his family. Because he wanted her around and thought the rest of his family would as well.

She couldn’t keep the enormous smile off her face, which probably made her look manic while answering his question about her kitchen. “Yes, I’d like to both widen and extend it. Here’s what I’m thinking,” she said as she began to walk him through her wish list.

For the next two hours, they worked through her design ideas. He recorded the necessary measurements, shared some recommendations, and together they came up with a plan she couldn’t have been more excited to begin. By the time she’d seen him off with a smile and promise of an estimate within a week, she was on cloud nine. Excitement buzzed across her skin at the prospect of having a project to pour herself into. Designing the interior of her home and decorating it was right up her alley and would keep her busy enough her mind wouldn’t have as much time to wander to dark places.

Having a renewed sense of purpose was the only reason for the thrill and goofy smile on her face. The only reason. The hum of anticipation and tingle in her fingertips had nothing to do with the afternoon’s plans or the guarantee of seeing Keith again.



“YOU KNOW, I’M actually at the point now where I’m worried your face will crack if you try to smile,” JP said as he reached across the center console and poked Keith’s cheek.

“Fuck off,” Keith grumbled, swatting his brother’s hand away.

“I mean, you scowl so much, your cheeks can’t be flexible anymore. Know what I mean?”

If he didn’t shut it, Keith was gonna smack that smirk off his brother’s mouth. Then they’d see whose face cracked. “I smile.”

JP snorted. “Maybe when you’re in the shower jerking off or something.” He made an obscene gesture, rolling his eyes back and groaning. “Hell, I bet your O-face isn’t even happy.”

“Knock it off. Are you fucking fifteen?” He risked a glance away from the road to glower at his brother, who sat in the passenger seat without a care in the world. His leather jacket didn’t scream apple picking, but JP went with what would attract female attention, not what was practical.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Blue Collar Bensons Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024