Pucking Parker (Face-Off Legacy/Campus Kings 1) - Page 51

Later that night, Bex is in bed with me, curled up in the crook of my arm. Her bare tits are pressed against my side, her hard nipples poking me. She runs her hand down my chest, feeling her way to my already hard cock.

“Again?” She laughs. “You have some killer stamina, Parker.”

“I’m a hockey player. It comes naturally.”

“Yeah, but…” She fists my cock, stroking it gently in her delicate hand. “You still get breaks between line changes. But in the bedroom—”

“I could go all night, woman. You know that.” I cover my hand with hers, helping her jerk me off. “This feels so good, baby,” I hiss. “But I’d rather come inside you.”

She giggles, and before she can respond, I roll on to my side, just enough to flip Bex onto her stomach. Getting behind her, I spread her legs apart, and pull her ass to me. I give her right cheek a playful smack that causes her to yelp, followed by laughter.

“Preston, what are you doing?” She laughs again. “You’re so bad.”

“Do you like that?”

She hesitates. “Yeah, I think so.”

I lean forward, pressing my lips to her skin to kiss the pink mark left behind from my hand. “All better?”

“Ahh, yeah,” she whispers. “All better.”

Now, I’m laughing at her change of heart.

Slowly, I inch inside her, breaking through her inner walls, causing her to moan. She whimpers, same as she does every time I first enter her. Once she adjusts to my size, she relaxes. She becomes putty in my hands, her body moving along with mine, our rhythm so in sync.

She turns her head to the side, staring back at me. Her cheeks are flushed. The pink from her face spreads down to her arms. I’m hot, too. Heat licks my skin from the uncontainable fire burning inside me. She does this to me. A few soft moans, my name on her lips, and my cock is throbbing, begging for release. Holding her hips, I fuck her harder. She likes it this way, craves it. I tap her ass again, just to test the waters, to see if she will moan for me again. And she does. She’s into this, and I’m so fucking into her. Her pussy is so tight, so damn wet I wish I could bury my cock inside her forever.

It feels too good when I’m with Bex. I get lost with her, so damn lost I forget to come up for air. Until she screams for me, purrs my name. She begs me to go deeper, fill her up with my cock.

“Oh… my… God… Preston.” She chokes out each word until she’s breathless and gasping for air.

I reach around her to touch her clit. With each slow, circular movement I make with my thumb, she trembles. Her pussy clenches around my dick.

“Yesss...” she breathes.

“Fuck, woman,” I groan. “You’re strangling my dick so hard.” Still rubbing her clit, I work harder, move faster, about to explode from the pressure. “You’re killing me. I’m about to come.”

I don’t want to, but she’s making it too damn hard.

“Me, too,” she whispers, her voice shaky.

She’s so close I can feel it. Our tempos are almost never perfectly aligned, but this time, she’s there, teetering on the edge with me, about to burst. And she does. Her body convulses, just as my cock pulses.

After we finish, I lean forward and run my hand over her back, before I pull out. I watch as our juices slide from her dripping wet pussy and down her inner thighs. It’s so fucking hot my cock perks up again. But I need a break.

Coach gave me orders to follow and those include getting some rest. Something I will never get with Bex here.

I wrap my arms around Bex and lower her to the mattress, cradling her against my chest. We’re out of breath, our bodies slick with sweat. My room stinks of sex and Bex’s citrus-scented body wash.

I kiss her breast and she stirs, cuddling up to me. “Want to get a shower with me?”

“Is that code for more sex?” she asks.

“No, not this time.” I brush a strand of her hair off her forehead and plant a quick kiss on her lips. “I need a shower. For real. And we need to get some sleep. I have to get up early tomorrow. We’re driving up to Boston in the morning.”

“I wish my dad would let me come with you guys.”

“No girls on the team bus,” I inform her. “It’s like no girls in the locker room.”

She raises her hand to her mouth. “Oops! Been there, done that.”

I shake my head, laughing. “You’re a real rule breaker, Bex Bryant.”

“So are you, Peter Preston Parker. What a name? Try saying that ten times fast.”

I roll my eyes. “Sometimes I seriously think about changing my name.”

Tags: Jillian Quinn Face-Off Legacy/Campus Kings Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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