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Jameson (Face-Off 4)

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“I’m gonna…” I manage to choke out, my voice trailing off.

He peeks up at me, telling me with his eyes that he wants me to come. I shove my hands through his short, dark hair to hold him right where I want him. Focused on his tongue and fingers, his rhythm is so perfectly timed that my body trembles, and an orgasm possesses my body.

At first I’m unable to speak, still panting and trying to catch my breath. I sit there, staring at Jamie as he removes his fingers, leaning back just enough so he can grab a condom from his wallet on the table.

Without wasting time, he opens the foil packet, rolls the latex down his length, and positions himself between my legs. My body tenses for a second, nervous in anticipation. He eases into me slowly, giving me a few seconds to adjust to his size, before filling me all at once.

I groan in pleasure, his name on the tip of my tongue, as I wrap my legs around his back. A smile stretches across his handsome face, and I push the hair that falls in front of his eyes out of the way so I can get a better look at him.

As Jamie slides in and out of me, I get used to him, and with some of the pain comes intense pleasure. It has been far too long since the last time I had sex. I haven’t been able to trust anyone enough to get close to them. And with Jamie, we have more than a sexual connection. There’s a deeper level of understanding between us.

Jamie picks up the pace, his movements so in sync as he grips my hips and fucks me, hard and fast. I love this side of Jamie. The hungry, take whatever he wants kind of man that I have been waiting to see.

With a firm grip, he lifts my right leg over his shoulder and pushes deeper inside me, hitting the right spot. I don’t want him to stop. I wish this feeling could last forever. My insides clench, a brush of heat spreading from my cheeks to my toes, as my moans turn into screams and an intense orgasm rocks through me, commanding control over my body. I have come undone. Jamie has wrecked me.

With this kind of stamina, he could go all night. He pumps faster, the sweat trickling down his forehead with each thrust. After I come again, Jamie pulls out of me, and grips my hips to lift me on top of him, as he leans back into the cushions, acting as if I weigh nothing.

Throwing my legs at his sides, I straddle him. I lift my hips just enough so I can position myself above his cock. Once I do, he thrusts into me, filling me once more. I push my palms down on his chest, my nails digging into my skin as I ride him hard.

Circling my clit with his thumb, he grabs my breast in the other hand and pinches my nipple. It doesn’t take long before my insides tighten, holding him in a vise grip. I’m so close, my juices coating his skin, as he matches my movements. We lock eyes, another earth-shattering orgasm brewing within, and when he starts to groan, his facial expression changes, a look so sexy it only heightens my pleasure.

His body trembles beneath me one last time before I lean down to kiss him, slow and passionate this time. After our lips separate, I sit up and sit next to him. Naked and glistening with sweat, his toned body is perfection in every way. Jamie could easily pass for an athlete with his muscular build. The fact he doesn’t work out and eats junk food shocks the hell out of me because I could admire his body all day.

Jamie grasps my hip with his hand. “Take a shower with me,” he says, staring up at me with the sexiest look in his eyes. “I’m not done with you yet.”

I nod, still too stunned to speak.

Jamie removes another condom from his wallet and cocks a finger toward his chest, telling me to follow, as he heads to the bathroom. Walking next to Jamie, I admire his tight ass and muscular body. He sets the condom on the counter and deals with the one we used, while I work on adjusting the water to the perfect temperature.

Once I find the right balance, I step into the shower stall, tiled from floor to ceiling. The stall is big enough for two people, yet when Jamie gets in with me, we’re on top of each other with hardly any room to move.

I press my palm against his chest, pushing him beneath the water. He hooks an arm around my back, sending chills down my spine, even with the warmth of the water beating down on my face. Reaching behind me, Jamie takes the bottle of shampoo from the ledge and rubs it into my hair.

He’s so much taller than me that my face is lined up with his chest, as he massages my scalp. Soap slides down the side of my face and onto my breasts. Jamie notices the suds forming on my skin and rubs his hands over my breasts to wash them.

“Jamie,” I moan with my eyes closed because I have too much shampoo in my eyes to open them just yet.

This is the first time a man has washed me. And I love it, finding this so fucking erotic that my pussy is throbbing, begging for more of Jamie.

He continues to touch me, pulling me close enough that the water runs over my face. The heat from his touch spreads down from my arms to my toes. He commands control over my body, forcing me to bend to his will.

Staring up at his big, blue eyes that look right through me, I have a hard time catching my breath. Jamie is too sexy for words. He’s almost too good to be true. I waited for years to find a guy like him.

Jamie stops washing me long enough to dip down to kiss my lips, lifting me up in the process. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Regan.”

Hooking my legs around his middle, I dig my heels into his back. Once our tongues collide, I’m so consumed by Jamie that I could kiss him all day without coming up for air. And, as our lips separate, I have trouble breathing.

After he’s done exploring my body with his mouth, he moves back up to my face and holds me against the tile. I stare into his eyes, my mouth open wide, as he reaches between my legs, and slips his finger inside my wetness. Jamie leaves a trail of kisses down my skin until he reaches my breasts, taking my nipple in his mouth, as his fingers plunge deeper.

I tremble beneath him, my breathing labored and sounding like a purr as I moan his name. My body responds to Jamie as if it were made for him. He knows exactly what to do to make me come.

Moving faster, Jamie now knows how I like it. I dig my nails into his shoulders and scream his name once more, my body writhing beneath him.

“Come for me,” he says, and I do, clamping down on his fingers as my orgasm rocks through my body.

Jamie removes his fingers to suck on them and then holds them out for me to stick my tongue out to taste. Not breaking eye contact, he takes my face in his hands, my juices coating both of our lips, and he kisses me passionately.

After our lips part, I thread my arms around his neck and lean my head against the wall. “Jamie, I want you to fuck me again.”

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