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Jameson (Face-Off 4)

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The corner of my mouth turns up into a wicked grin. He sets me down, long enough to open the shower door, reach over and grab the condom from the counter, and slides it up his length, before he has me up against the wall once more. Jamie positions himself at my entrance. Without any hesitation, he pushes inside me, giving me no time to prepare for his size, causing me to groan out in pain.

He takes my bottom lip in his mouth, sucking on it, all while fucking me so hard my back smacks against the tile. I don’t even care because with the pain comes pleasure I have been missing in my life for so long. Once our lips meet, we stay connected, allowing our mouths and bodies do the talking.

I fell asleep nestled in Jamie’s arms, cradled by his warmth, only to wake to the sun in my eyes, peeking through the crack in the light gray curtains hung across a long wall of windows. Rolling onto my side, away from the bright light, I reach out for Jamie, gripping the soft cotton sheets.

How long has he been gone? His side of the bed is freezing as if he never even slept.

I sit up and look around his bedroom, surprised how immaculate he keeps it, after seeing the mess he makes with his gadgets and toys.

I lean my head back against the wooden headboard that matches the nightstands on each side of the bed. The walls are an off-white that almost appear gray, plain, and what I would expect from a man like Jamie. He’s not the type to decorate or over indulge in things that are not tech related. He’d shell out money for a new watch or phone before he’d buy a nice suit. And I like that about Jamie.

I set my feet on the cold hardwood, and a chill runs through me. What temperature does Jamie set the thermostat? I hadn’t noticed how cold his place was last night with my body heating up from his touch. I consider slipping back under the covers before I get a whiff of something cooking. It smells like bacon, which makes my stomach growl.

Still naked from last night, I stand and search the floor for my clothes. There’s nothing there. Shit. I’m not about to go roaming around his house with nothing on. Digging through his drawers, I find a pair of black boxers and a white wifebeater to wear. My nipples are poking through the thin fabric, the chill in the air making the hairs on my hairs stand at attention.

After fixing my hair in the mirror hung on the wall in front of his dresser, I wander down the long hallway to the scent of bacon. I can’t stop smiling when I reach the living room and sneak up on Jamie, who’s in front of the stove with a plastic fork in his hand. With his dark hair messy and a pair of gray boxer briefs that hug his narrow waist, Jamie is fucking perfection.

Too focused on watching him cook me breakfast, I don’t approach him at first. The sight of him doing something domestic, all while looking sexy-as-fuck makes my ovaries do a happy dance. Jamie promised me breakfast. I’m glad he kept this one after breaking so many of our dates.

I sneak up behind him and press my face against his back to hug him.

His hand slides on top of mine, and he spins me around and into his arms. “Good morning, beautiful.”

The kiss he plants on my lips send a shiver through me, but his mouth and the magic he works with his tongue make me warm all over, the heat spreading from my cheeks to my toes.

“Morning, handsome,” I say, once our lips separate.

“How did you sleep?” He swipes a strand of hair away from my face and tucks it behind my ear.

“Like a baby.” I smile at him.

“You’re just in time for breakfast.” He releases me to set a plate of crispy bacon on the island and spoons scrambled eggs onto our plates. “You ruined the surprise. I was hoping you’d sleep a little longer, so we could have breakfast in bed.”

Feeling my way down his chest, my fingers stop at the band of his boxers. “We still can if you want.”

Jamie tugs at my shirt to pull me close enough that my breasts are pressing against his chest. “This looks familiar,” he says, with sarcasm in his voice. “I like seeing my clothes on you, but I think it would look better on the floor.” He says the last part with a sexy smirk. His hand travels beneath the fabric, eventually finding my breast.

A rush of energy surges through me, his touch causing my juices to pool between my legs. I’m so fucking wet for him. Once more, his mouth crashes against mine, our lips parting, hungry with desire for each other. Each kiss, I take in his manly scent, completely intoxicated by him.

His hands cup my backside, and he lifts me onto the kitchen island. He stands between my legs, his eyes glazing over every inch of my body.

Dragging his thumb across my bottom lip, he pulls it down just enough so I can suck on his finger. “Beautiful,” he mutters, “you’re so fucking beautiful, Regan.”

I smile so wide the muscles in my face hurt. “Thank you. I suppose you’re not so bad yourself.” I rake my fingers through his hair and chuckle.

He laughs into the crook of my neck and kisses my skin, leaving a trail of wet kisses.

“I think I’d rather have you for breakfast,” I say, running my hands over his soft skin.

“It’s as if you can read my mind. Stop using your Vulcan Mind Meld on me, woman.”


; “Oh my God, you’re such a nerd, Jameson. I really underestimated your super nerd powers.”

He shrugs, and it’s so fucking cute I want to leap into his arms and kiss him. “What’s wrong with a little Star Trek reference? I was only using it to make a point that we’re so in sync it’s as if we can connect on a deeper level.”

“So, are we like Spock and Kirk now?” I say the last part with a smirk.

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