Miss White and the Seventh Heir - Page 27

She remembered every delicious detail and it was certainly no nightmare. And she also remembered that, in the end, he’d left her. Just like the other people in her life.

She shook her head. “It’s a blur.” She glanced down, finding herself still dressed in the clothes from yesterday. “It looks like I fell asleep on you last night.” And then she realized how that sounded as heat rushed to her cheeks. “I, uh, must have been more tired than I thought.”

“No problem.”

Her gaze moved to the man who starred in her very hot dream. Her face grew warmer. Why did Trey have to be the man of her dreams? Now how was she supposed to act professional around him knowing she secretly desired him?

Don’t make a big deal of it. He can’t read your thoughts. Just act normal.

She took in his smart-looking suit. “It looks like you’re all ready to face the day.”

“I’ve been up for a while.” A serious expression came over his face. “Sage, we need to talk.”

Oh, no. What exactly had she said in her sleep? She didn’t want to know. Nope. Not at all.

She scrambled to climb out of the other side of the bed. “Sorry I’m running late. Just let me grab a quick shower and I’ll be ready to go.”

“You don’t have to rush—”

“Sure, I do.” She moved to her suitcases, which were waiting for her in the corner of the room. “We have to get our badges.”

“We have all day.”

“It can be a long wait since they have to take our photo. Besides, this is a good day to catch some people before they get caught up in the movie premieres and the parties.”


p; He arched a brow. “How would you know?”

She shrugged. “I attended the festival with my father. It was a long time ago, but I still remember parts of it. And one of those memories was waiting in line at the Accreditation Centre. I take it you’ve never attended?”

He hesitated. “I’ve attended the festival.”

“Then you should know we have a lot to do today.”

“If you say so.” Trey moved to the door. “I’ll get us some breakfast.”

“Just coffee for me.”

“You need more than that since we’ll be walking to the festival.” When she sent him a surprised look, he added, “A lot of the roads will be closed. Walking will be our fastest option.”

“Okay. I’ll be down in a few minutes.” If she could just get them away from this very cozy setting and into the public, things would smooth out. And hopefully Trey would forget about her calling out his name and whatever else she’d said in her sleep.

“We’ll see about that.”

Before she could say another word, the door snicked shut. Alone again. She sighed. She looked at all of her luggage. Perhaps she had brought a lot of clothes but she knew she had to dress smartly. So her roommates had loaned her a few dresses, creating an extensive, all-event wardrobe.

Her and her two roommates routinely shared clothes. On a tight budget, it made clothes go a lot further. But if she could keep QTR on its upward swing, her finances wouldn’t be quite so strained. Of course, her latest private investigator looking into her stepmother was taking a large bite out of each paycheck. She’d instructed him to look under every rock until he found what Elsa was hiding.

Sage placed a suitcase on the large bed and opened it. With her arm full of dresses, she moved to the wall of closets and found half of them filled with men’s clothes. It must be the owner’s. Thankfully there was enough room for her things.

Not wanting to keep Trey waiting much longer, she didn’t bother with the other suitcases. They could be dealt with later.

* * *

He never expected to hear Sage calling out his name in her sleep.

Trey had no idea what to make of it.

Tags: Jennifer Faye Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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