Miss White and the Seventh Heir - Page 43

His gaze met hers. “I just wanted to tell you that I’m sorry. I never meant for things to work out like they have.”

And with that he turned and walked away. Too much had been said that evening. He needed to clear his head. Those things Sage had said about his father...they couldn’t be right. His father had more than thirty years to be a part of his life and he hadn’t done it. Perhaps he’d just been putting on a show for people.

Sage was such an optimist. He knew she wanted him to have a relationship with his father—something she would never have again. But she had to understand that their fathers were very different men. It was never going to happen for him.



After a restless night, Sage was up early. Her conversation with Trey kept rolling around in her mind. Logic told her not to believe him—that he wasn’t to be trusted. But her heart said the feelings and emotions they’d shared had been genuine.

Her phone buzzed. She glanced at the caller ID, finding it was her private investigator. She immediately answered. “Have you learned something?”

“I’m on to something big,” the man said.

“Tell me.”

“It’s not complete and I want to be sure before I give you the information. It might take me extra time. Are the added fees going to be a problem?”

Yes. She was giving him every single cent aside from her rent and food. She thought of the money she was going to use to fly home early. The airline wouldn’t switch the return portion of her ticket and so she’d have to purchase a new one. But in the light of day, things with Trey didn’t appear so dire. If she stayed, it’d save a lot of money.

“Miss White?”

“No. It won’t be a problem.” She needed answers and she’d do whatever it took to get them.

“Okay. I need a few more details and then I’ll give you everything I’ve collected. I think it’s what you’re after.”

And then a thought came to Sage. Part of her told her not to do it, but a louder voice in her head said it was better to know the truth. “Did you uncover any information regarding Trey...er...Quentin Thomas Rousseau III being involved with Elsa?”

“No. He’s not.”

The answer came so quickly that it surprised her. “Are you sure?”

“One hundred percent positive.”

It didn’t get any more certain. “Thanks. Keep digging into Elsa’s past. There’s something there that she doesn’t want us to know about.” And with any luck it would be the key to Sage regaining her legacy.

She ended the call knowing that staying here with Trey or Quentin or whatever he wanted to call himself wouldn’t be easy. Could she avoid him? Not likely since they were sharing the house. There had to be some way to coexist for a little longer.

* * *

Trey refilled his coffee for the fourth time the next morning.

He’d tossed and turned most of the night. Before sunrise, he’d climbed out of bed. He needed to think about something besides how bad he’d screwed things up with Sage.

A glance in the bathroom mirror showed proof of his bad night. But as he scratched at the irritating beard, he realized there was nothing stopping him from shaving. In fact, there was no reason not to put in his contacts. At last, he could get back to being himself. Although there were a couple of changes he wanted to keep—his nickname and the shorter hair.

After his shower and shave, Trey paced back and forth in the kitchen in his bare feet while a new pot of coffee brewed. He yawned and stretched. It’d been a long time since he’d pulled an all-nighter.

“Mind if I come in?”

The sound of Sage’s voice had him turning. “Sure. You don’t have to ask. You are always welcome.”

She openly stared at him.

Had he nicked himself shaving? “What’s wrong?”

“You. I mean, you look so different.” She continued gazing at him. “Is this how you normally look when you’re not pretending to be an assistant?”

Tags: Jennifer Faye Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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