Miss White and the Seventh Heir - Page 54

She glanced back in the room, feeling as though she’d forgotten something. And then she realized what it was, her press badge and the pendant. She’d been wearing both for so many days that it felt strange not to have them on this evening.

She turned back to Trey. “Yes.” As they were nearing the top of the steps, she said, “You really went out of your way. But you shouldn’t have—”

“Yes, I should. I love to make you smile.”

She stared deep into his eyes. “All you have to do is be with me to make me smile.”

“I feel the same way.” He moved his free hand until it was covering the hand she had tucked in the crook of his arm. He stared deep into her eyes. “This evening is for you. Now let’s get the princess to the ball.”

He wasn’t serious? Was he?

“Trey, what have you done? You didn’t actually plan a ball, did you?”

His face beamed. “Just a little something to say happy birthday.”

“Thank you for this memorable day, these fabulous clothes and shoes. You’re like my fairy godmother.”

He shook his head. “I’d rather be your prince. I’m not much into wearing the tiara and dress thing.”

She laughed. “Whatever you want to call yourself, I think you’re wonderful.”

“I think the same thing about you, too.” He released her hand from his arm. “Now get going.”

“But aren’t you coming, too?”

“I’ll be right behind you. But the belle of the ball needs to make her big entrance.”

That meant there were people downstairs. She glanced down at the landing, but she didn’t see anyone. Perhaps they were waiting out on the patio.

“Trey, tell me what you’ve done.”

“You’ll have to go see for yourself.”

Her heart raced in that nervous, giddy sort of way. It tickled the back of her throat. And she struggled to suppress a nervous giggle. For so long now, she felt as though she’d had the weight of the world upon her shoulders. But this magical trip to France had her feeling so much lighter—so much more optimistic about the future.

Maybe it was all just a rosy illusion. Maybe she had too much sun and bubbly. Or maybe it was having Trey in her life. Either way, she couldn’t be happier.

She held on to the rail as she made her way down the steps. She wasn’t so sure she trusted her knees to hold her up. And with the other hand, she clutched the long skirt of her designer gown. She almost expected flashes to go off, like they had at the red-carpet movie premieres. Not that she was anyone special. She was a nobody, living a fairy tale.

Two steps from the landing, she stopped and glanced over her shoulder. Trey was still standing at the top, where she’d left him. He gestured for her to head into the living room.

She turned to find the double doors leading to the living room closed. They were never closed. So her surprise must lie within. Her heart leaped into her throat.

Willing her legs to cooperate, she successfully stepped onto the marble floor of the grand foyer. She started for the living room when the doors swung open and a bunch of smiling faces appeared.

“Surprise!” The house echoed with their happy voices.

A smile immediately pulled at Sage’s lips. He’d planned a surprise party for her. She was so touched. No one had done anything like this since...since her father was alive. Her vision started to blur with tears of joy. She quickly blinked them away and thanked everyone.

The next thing she knew Trey was by her side. She turned to him. “You threw me a surprise party?”

He nodded, looking a little worried. “You like it, don’t you?”

She sent him a huge, ear-to-ear smile. “I love it. Thank you.”

* * *

His heart swelled with a warm sensation.

Tags: Jennifer Faye Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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