Hourglass (Hourglass 1) - Page 210

“I can’t remember.” I couldn’t remember anything. Hello, erogenous zone. “And you’re welcome.”

He just grinned.

Still holding hands, we stepped into the veil.

I focused on returning to Liam’s office. The silver swirls consumed me again, and all I could hear was the occasional ghostly voice or strain of music.

When we reached the veil, Michael whispered, “Stay in the bridge.” I’ll come back to get you when I’m sure we’re in the clear.”


He gave my hand a squeeze and disappeared.

I remained in the bridge alone, focusing on standing still instead of moving forward or backward. It felt so different from traveling. It was as if I was being pushed and pulled, and my life depended on maintaining the balance. The waterlike silver swirls seemed to move clockwise and counterclockwise at the same time. Faces, complete with moving mouths and blinking eyes, faded in and out of focus.

I didn’t like it.

Where was Michael?

The longer I waited, the more oppressive it became, and the closer the faces pushed against the surface of the bridge. I could see details now, eyelashes, eyebrows, dimples, and whiskers. The faces pressed against the barrier in waves, and even though I couldn’t hear them, it looked like their mouths were forming my name in silent screams of warning.

I closed my eyes. Even after a full three minutes of waiting, I could still see the imprints of their faces on my eyelids.

I had to get out.

I stepped from the bridge through the veil and opened my eyes.

To see Cat.

She was pointing a gun at Michael.

Chapter 53

What’s going on?”

A one-handed shove hit me from behind. Michael caught me in his arms.

I regained my balance and looked up into the face of Jack Landers.

Keeping the gun trained on us, Cat made a beeline to Jack, her eyes blazing. My mouth dropped open as I watched her wrap her body around his and kiss him with more tongue than I ever wanted to see again in my entire life.

Not that I thought I’d be alive much longer.

“Cat?” Michael pulled me behind his back to shield me. If being pushed by Jack had thrown me off balance, Cat’s betrayal had me reeling. “What are you doing?”

She touched Jack’s face with reverence, focusing solely on him. “I thought you were dead.”

“I almost was. The formula kept me alive.” Jack took her hand and pressed her fingers to his lips. “I ran out on my last trip back. I thought I was going to be stuck in there forever.”

“That’s why I came. I hoped you could piggyback on Emerson’s gene and exit when she came back through, especially with my exotic matter holding the bridge open. It worked.”

Landers’s voice was reverent. “Thank you.”

“Cat?” Michael said again, pleading.

She ignored him.

“But why? Why did you travel if I wasn’t here to help you?” Cat’s voice broke and she rested her forehead against Landers’s. “You need the formula in your system, and you need me for optimal results. Where did you need to go so badly that you’d risk your life?”

Tags: Myra McEntire Hourglass
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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