Not Pretending Anymore - Page 32

Declan grinned. “Of course I do. Rule number one: make sure you keep the friends of the woman you’re crushing on liquored up and happy.”

Emma laughed. “I like that rule. I’ll take a vodka cranberry. Thank you.”

While Declan spoke to the bartender, Emma whispered to me, “Umm…is there something you forgot to mention?”

Emma was a good friend, but I didn’t think this was the time or place to explain the truth about my relationship with Declan. Plus, I was a little embarrassed that I’d resorted to these childish games. “It’s…new. We’re keeping things casual and just having fun.”

“Fun, huh?”

I nodded.

Emma brought her drink to her lips and spoke. “Well, you know who doesn’t look like he’s having fun at this moment?”


Her eyes shifted to look over my shoulder. “Dr. Dandy. And he’s heading this way.”


* * *


Well, that certainly didn’t take long.

By the time I turned around, with the drinks I’d ordered in my hands, Dr. Dickface had already walked over ready to piss on Molly like she was a fire hydrant. God, I didn’t like this guy.

“It’s Declan, right?” he said as I approached.

I passed Emma her drink and gave Will my hand. Shaking extra firmly, I smiled. “It is. How you doing, Bill?”

He frowned. “It’s Will.”

“Will…right, okay. Sorry about that.” I shifted to Molly and held her glass of wine out to her. “Here you go, babe.”

Molly’s eyes widened. She looked like she might shit her pants. So while I wanted to put my free hand on her ass in front of this guy, I refrained for her sake.

The four of us stared at each other as I sipped my drink. Well, this is uncomfortable.

“So, Declan, are you from the downtown area?”

“I live on the west side.”

“Ah…Molly’s side of town.”

My eyes slanted to meet Molly’s. “Yeah. We live very close.”

“Is that how you two met?”

Good ol’ Will was definitely nosy, wasn’t he?

“Actually, yes.” I looked at Molly. “I’ll probably embarrass her if I tell the story, won’t I, Mollz?”

Molly’s eyes flared yet wider. “Maybe you shouldn’t tell it, Declan.”

I couldn’t resist. “I was on the L on my way home one night. Molly here was sitting across from me reading a book. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. The corners of her lips kept twitching as she read, like she really wanted to smile. Like a dumbass, I let her get off the train without trying to talk to her. But that night, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. So the next day I took the train at the same time, hoping to run into her again. She wasn’t on it—and not the next day or the day after that, either. Then, one night a week later, I was walking to my train at a totally different time. On my way, I passed a bookstore, and the book she’d been reading happened to be in the window, so I went in to pick it up. The clerk told me the second book in the series had just come in, so I grabbed a copy of that, too. When I got on my train twenty minutes later, there she was.” I looked at Molly adoringly. “I sat next to her, gave her book two, and asked her out for drinks.”

Emma had dreamy hearts in her eyes. “That’s the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard.”

I winked at Molly. “I’m just glad she didn’t think I was a stalker.”

I had to sip my drink to keep myself from cracking up at the look on Dr. Dick’s face. I’d heard the term green with envy before, but I’d never actually seen it on another human being. His skin looked a little sallow.

Some guy walked over. “Hey, Will. Do you have a minute? Mark and I are thinking about doing a stint volunteering with Doctors Without Borders. We wanted to get your take on which area we should go to since you’ve volunteered a few times before.”

“Yeah, sure.”

I’d been feeling pretty smug about myself the last few minutes, but hearing that Dr. Dick volunteered his time took some of the wind out of my sail. The closest I’d come to helping save lives was the time I’d yelled, “Watch out” when a baseball was flying toward my sister’s head. How the hell could I compete with that shit? Better yet, why was I feeling like I had to? Maybe I was getting myself a little too into character.

After Will walked away, Emma excused herself to go to the ladies’ room, which gave Molly and me some alone time.

“You saw me on the train and fell madly in love?” She chuckled. “Could you lay it on any thicker, Romeo?”

I shrugged. “Hey. I’m a helpless romantic. You’re a very lucky girl.”

Molly sighed. “We haven’t had a chance to catch up lately, but things with Will didn’t go exactly as I’d hoped on our date.”

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024