Not Pretending Anymore - Page 7

“Good for her.”

“Funny how kids can grow up together and all be so different. Catherine’s living in a convent, praying, doing good deeds, and most nights I’m fucking around on the Internet or watching Hulu. Same parents. What happened?”

“You seem pretty successful. I’m sure they’re proud.”

“They’d like me to settle down at some point, but yeah, they haven’t disowned me yet.” He changed the subject. “So what’s the game plan for tomorrow night?”

“What do you mean?”

“Going in for the kill with Dr. Dickalicious. What’s your strategy?”

Why did I tell him about Will? “Am I supposed to have a plan?”

“Well, you want him to know you like him, right?”

“Yes. But I don’t want to be too forward. He just got out of a relationship. By the same token, guys like him don’t stay single for very long.”

“Okay, so you know you need to kill him with unattainability.”

“What does that mean?”

“Everything with men is about reverse psychology. If we think we can’t have something, we want it ten times more. We’re like toddlers that way.”

“Is that why you’re so into Julia—because she’s taken?”

He scratched his chin. “On a subconscious level, that could be fueling the fire. It’s not even close to the main reasons I like her, though.”

“What are you suggesting I do?” My tone was dismissive, but a part of me actually did want to hear what he had to say. It wasn’t often I got a man’s perspective on such things.

“Don’t show him you like him. Show him why he should like you.”

My ears perked up. “And that consists of doing what?”

“Looking fucking hot as hell, which I know you can pull off easily. Inserting yourself into conversations with everyone nearby but him—show him what he’s missing. Then when he inevitably comes around, talk to him, but then move your attention on to someone else. That will leave him hanging and wanting more. We love a good chase.”

“Doesn’t that risk making it look like I don’t like him?”

“Trust me. If he wants you, he’s going to make a move at some point. The more disinterested you seem, the harder his dick will get.”

“Well, thanks for that visual, I think.”

“You’re welcome. You’ll find that I’m pretty blunt and don’t like to beat around the bush.” He looked around. “Are we done with roomie rules?”

“Yes. I think so—until I think of something I’ve forgotten.”

“Good.” He walked over to his gym bag and opened it, taking out a couple of bottles of Gatorade. “Mind if I throw these in the fridge?”

“Not at all.”

After he placed his drinks in the refrigerator, he noticed the Tupperware container and opened it.

“Damn. I guess you liked them?”

“I got a little carried away. They were really good.”

“Is that another one of your quirks—decapitating cupcakes evenly?”

“The frosting is my favorite part.”

“You won’t eat the bottoms now?”

“Not without frosting, no.”

“Well, see? I knew we were a good match. I hate the frosting. I normally eat around it. Between this and our mutual affinity for white wine, I’d say this is gonna work out.” He grinned. “Are you a muffin-top person, too?”


“Bingo. See? I’m a bottom.” He rolled his eyes. “Okay, yeah, that didn’t come out right, but you know what I mean.”

“You’re nuts.” I shook my head, unable to contain my smile. “Thank you again for making the cupcakes, though. That was very thoughtful.”

“Well, obviously you know I had an ulterior motive.”

“One that clearly paid off.”

His eyes wandered in the direction of the bedrooms. “Mind if go unpack?”

“Go right ahead.”

“Sweet. Lead the way.”

Declan rolled his suitcase as he followed me to his new room.

I ventured into my own room to give him some privacy, but felt unable to concentrate on anything other than the fact that he was here.

As I listened to the sound of Declan humming along to the tunes he played on his phone while he unpacked, I couldn’t help but smile. I’d been dreading having to get a new roommate, losing sleep over it. But for the first time in a long time, I felt like I was going to get a good night’s rest.

He startled me when he popped his head into my room. “Okay to hang my toothbrush next to yours?”

“Did I give you the impression that it wouldn’t be?”

“You said what’s yours is yours. So I didn’t know if that extended to the toothbrush holder.”

“I’m sorry if I came off a little harsh at first. I just need to get used to this. That’s all. I’m already feeling better about you being here.”

“Good.” He suddenly made himself comfortable on the end of my bed, lying flat on his back as he looked up at the ceiling. The sight of his long body splayed across my bed was…something else.

He rested his hands behind his head and turned to me. “You said tomorrow’s your day off, right?”

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024