It seemed typical of his experiences tonight that he wouldn’t be able to count on what he’d hoped was a war game-changer. Though he had to concede that Aralynn’s blood continued to strengthen him and he still had no pain whatsoever.
His thoughts turned immediately to his battle-partner, Aralynn. If he’d been able to sustain the elf-lord power, he wouldn’t have hesitated heading straight in. As it was, he had only one goal: To get his men out safely.
That meant, he needed support. He opened up his telepathy. Aralynn, you there?
He could feel the wolf’s pathing frequency respond immediately. He could also sense her relief. Where are you? Can I help?
His heart swelled up like a damn balloon. She’d said exactly what he’d hoped to hear. I’m at Dracut Falls and yes, you can definitely help. The elf-lord power I’d been channeling … is gone.
On my way.
He felt the vibrations in the air then Aralynn was right there, her wild red hair flying around her shoulders. She met his gaze then glanced at the terrain below. They levitated about forty feet above the land.
He gripped her shoulder. I don’t know if this will work.
He didn’t try to explain, but he brought the vision forward then sent it along what he hoped was her pathing lane.
“Oh.” Her large brown eyes widened and she blinked several times in quick succession.
When the vision played out, she met his gaze and nodded once. Let’s do it.
Follow me.
He dropped closer to the earth, approaching the westernmost entrance to the cavern system then eased behind a hillock composed mostly of rock and a lot of grasses and forest weeds. The pine trees had encroached through the area but hadn’t successfully planted a single sapling on the hill.
He extended his hearing to see if he could detect sounds of the enemy. But nothing returned except the wind in the pines, a very lonely sound in this part of his sparsely populated realm.
Keep levitating. We don’t want the noise of our boots to alert the enemy.
I agree. Besides, isn’t this system really wet?
It is. He was constantly amazed at how well Aralynn knew his realm. She’d said she’d made a thorough study of all the realms, but this was one of those times she’d proven her knowledge yet again.
He had to duck down in order to move inside, but as with the space behind the falls, the initial cavern was tall and quite deep. He knew each of the pathways by heart and skirted any avenue leading directly to the falls.
Circumventing the easy paths, he made his way slowly toward the cave rooms near the falls.
When he drew within fifty feet of the torture area, he heard voices first, and painful shouts that made him cringe and grit his teeth. The rough, agonized moan let him know he was hearing Quinlan at the vile end of a burning hot branding iron.
Rage flooded him and pumped up his arm and leg muscles, while tightening his abdomen. He fired up his battle energy. He had a couple more turns to make, then one short cavern tunnel and he’d be in the middle of it.
But just as he was about to surge forward, Aralynn’s voice entered his head. Slow down, dammit! I know you want to charge in, but the moment you do, Margetta will use one of her deadly fae nets to control you. Stone, she’s seen you coming.
Stone froze in his tracks and began to levitate backward, melting deeper into the caves. He turned to Aralynn. You’ve had a vision? Why was he surprised?
Yes. Use me. I think you’re high on elf-lord power and you’re not yourself yet.
He planted a hand against his forehead. I think you’re right. The power might be gone, but not a kind of driving ambition I’m having a hard time turning off.
He planted his hands on his hips and while levitating stared at the pools of water on the stone floor. He was being more impulsive than usual.
She drew close and sniffed him like a wolf would, wrinkling her nose as she met his gaze. You’re right. I’m not smelling elf-lord power. So, what happened?
It dissipated once I left Ferrenden Peace.
She didn’t seem to question this statement but looked aro