The Book of Manuals - Page 1

Paulo Coelho

The Book of Manuals

September 2008

Translated from the Portuguese by Margaret Jull Costa


Man and his manuals

Convention for those wounded in love

The warrior of light and his quest

Rules for the 21st Century

The art of the sword

Manual for preserving paths

Manual of reasons to love men

Manual to help men understand women’s behaviour

Julia’s manual explaining why men love women

The professional crisis and its booby-traps

Manual for real travelling, and not just so that you can tell your friends you’ve visited other countries

The ten steps of the spiritual search according to the Tradition

Manual for dealing with time

The warrior of life and renunciation

Carlos Castañeda and the sacred lineage

Manual for being accepted in society as a normal person

Manual for climbing mountains

Man and his manuals

There are several dictionary definitions of the word ‘manual’. The most common definition for the adjective is ‘done or performed with the hands’, but the noun has its origins among pilgrims, who could only carry very slender books in their luggage, books containing abbreviated texts and aphorisms as food for thought.

I have read many manuals in my life, ranging from manuals on how to mend boats to ones telling me how to use a computer (nowadays, of course, the computer itself tells us what we should do). Gradually, I developed something of a passion for the manual and started to draw up my own, based on my observations of daily life. When I was asked to write a book, I thought: Why not collect together all the manuals I’ve written over the years and publish them? The result is the book you’re holding in your hands now.

As I worked on the project, I came across some other manuals I had compiled, based on other people’s work: Carlos Castañeda, Tahlan, Mario Rosa and Stephan Rechtschaffen – all duly acknowledged on the relevant pages.

The manuals written by Julia Dragan and Kristen about relationships between men and women were sent to me via the internet, and I give them due credit. Hard as I’ve tried, however, I’ve been unable to confirm that they are the actual authors of those texts.

May I make a suggestion? Write your own manuals. It’s a fascinating exercise.

Paulo Coelho

Convention for those wounded in love

Tags: Paulo Coelho Fiction
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