Be with Me (Return to Haven 2) - Page 39

“My mother called about Thanksgiving and I figured it was the perfect time for you two to meet, and we can tell her about the baby. She has to learn sometime. Why not then?”

Lips thinned, eyes widened, fists clenched at her sides. Maybe he was an idiot where she was concerned.

In his defense, he had no idea how the hell to deal with taking a woman home to meet his mother. He’d done so once with his fiancée, and his mom had gotten all excited about the upcoming wedding and the grandchild.

Damn it. He was indeed a complete and total moron.

Tanner spun around and paced to the open end of the hangar. He hadn’t thought through the implications of taking another woman home, a pregnant woman, to meet his mother. Would she even be ready to jump on this roller coaster again? Because Tanner wasn’t so sure he was ready, either, but he damn well wasn’t going to allow himself the vulnerability of doubt. He had to be strong for Melanie, for the baby, for his own mother, who would no doubt be thrilled at the news.


At Melanie’s questioning tone, he shifted back around to face her. She’d followed him, but stood a few feet away. No longer was she staring at him with anger and disdain, but with concern and confusion.

“What’s wrong?”

When was the right time to tell her about his past life? The life he hadn’t planned,

but had been ready to grab hold of and live to the fullest. When did he tell her he was terrified, if he was being brutally honest?

Never was the answer to that last question. He’d never admit that he was scared or worried. The last thing he needed was to cause Melanie any type of stress.

As for the question of when to tell her about his former family . . . now wasn’t the time.

“I should’ve asked you first.” There. He’d play it off like he was apologetic with regards to the holiday and his mother. “When she called she was so excited I was actually coming for dinner, I just asked if she cared about a guest.”

Melanie pulled in a deep breath and licked her lips. She swiped her hand over the top of her hair and smoothed her fingers through her ponytail.

“I’m not sure how to do the whole family thing,” she stated. “My father worked for my in-laws, so I always knew them in some way. I guess I never thought about your family or having to play the role of . . . I don’t even know what to play here.”

Tanner quickly realized Melanie was trying to figure out how to fit in. Had this been an issue in her previous life in Atlanta? Clearly, and that filled Tanner with rage when he thought of that asshole Melanie had been married to.

“Listen,” Tanner stated, closing the gap between them. “My mother won’t care if you burp at dinner or know which fork to use and have your napkin in your lap. There’s no right or wrong.”

Melanie stared back, unblinking. “There’s always right and wrong. But don’t worry, I know how to handle mothers.”

“You’re not listening.” He reached for her hand, but she held them both up.

“I’m listening,” she assured him. “I’m meeting your mother and we’re telling her about the baby all while having Thanksgiving dinner. It sounds a hell of a lot more serious than I was ready for.”

Tanner swallowed and shot a grin. “And here you just thought you needed to find some other term for today other than date.”

Melanie laughed, which was exactly the response he wanted to pull from her. “This still isn’t a date. Now, are you taking me up in this plane or not? I believe I was promised a flying lesson.”

Tanner gestured back toward the plane. “Lead the way.”

“You know, you are really good with Piper,” Melanie said as she reached the side of the Cessna. “You guys are her family, aren’t you?”

Tanner nodded as he reached into the cockpit and pulled out the pre-flight checklist. No matter how seasoned a pilot was, the checklist was of the utmost importance.

“Jax gave up everything for her when his ex skipped out,” Tanner explained. “There’s nothing Cash or I wouldn’t do for them.”

“She’s one lucky little girl.”

“Now that Livie is staying here, I’d say Piper hit the mother jackpot.”

Melanie let out a laugh. “A year ago I never could’ve imagined Olivia in that role, but she’s perfect here. Playing hostess and mommy. She smiles more than I’ve ever seen. Her job back in Atlanta was sucking the life out of her.”

Tanner propped one arm along the wing and met Melanie’s eyes. “And what about you? Was Atlanta sucking the life out of you?”

Tags: Jules Bennett Return to Haven Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024