Be with Me (Return to Haven 2) - Page 57

The soft glow from his bedroom drew him closer, and as he turned the corner, he couldn’t help but freeze in the doorway at the sight before him. Melanie curled up on his side of the bed, covers drawn up to her chin. The instant punch to that vulnerable point in his soul hit him hard.

Tanner leaned against the door frame and waited for the sliver of doubt to enter in. He’d been a bachelor for so long. He’d enjoyed dating and purposely not getting attached. Yet the moment Melanie came into town, something about her had captivated his attention. Then he’d slept with her and had been completely blindsided by how much he wanted to actually get to know her. But he’d purposely tried to take things slow and back off a tad after their intense encounter. He knew she was skittish and he hadn’t wanted to scare her off.

Add in the baby, and he was a damn lost cause. This right here before his eyes was his family. He wanted her here, and when he’d blurted out about her moving

in, he hadn’t thought it through, but he would do everything he could to convince her to stay.

Trying to be quiet, Tanner eased across the room with careful steps. He put his holster and gun on the chest of drawers and took a seat in the corner chair. He’d never changed this room since he moved in. The furniture had come with the house. He’d bought a mattress and a comforter, but that was all. The living room and dining room were the same. He wasn’t much on décor, and what was here had been good enough for him.

He unlaced his shoes and toed them off, then stood to jerk his shirt up and over his head. After sliding out of his jeans, he left his boxer briefs on and started across the room to the opposite side of the bed.

Something hit his foot and he tripped, falling onto the footboard of the bed and muttering a string of curses. Melanie shot up in bed, clutching the sheet to her chest.

“Damn it. Sorry.”

He turned to see what he’d fallen over, and it had been her shoes.

“No, it’s fine,” she said, rubbing her eyes and sitting up fully. “I was trying to stay up for you. I guess I didn’t make it and took a little nap.”

Even though his toe throbbed from contact with the heel of her shoe, his heart warmed at the idea that she had wanted to wait for him. Nobody had ever done that. Then again, he’d never given anyone the chance.

“What time is it?” she asked.

“Almost one.”

Melanie smoothed her hair past her face. “I can go if you . . . I’m not sure if you had a bad day or . . . sorry. I’m not sure what to do here.”

Her rumpled state and awkward words had him smiling and easing onto the bed. “All you have to do is stay right where you are. Unless you really want to leave.”

With the sheet tucked under her arms, she glanced down to her fingers in her lap. “I should make myself go. I’m not sure cozying up here is smart.”

“But you don’t want to.”

“I don’t,” she murmured. “It’s just, it’s difficult to trust my instincts after a failed marriage.”

Tanner shifted and propped his back against the headboard and pulled her against his side. “I don’t know much about your marriage. I know enough to know you went through hell and I want to protect you from any more pain.”

“I don’t need to be protected,” she whispered as her palm flattened against his abs. “I need to move on, which I’m doing. I need to learn to trust again, but that’s the hard part, and you just happen to be on my path. Which isn’t really fair to you.”

Tanner turned and leaned her back against her pillows, resting his hands on either side of her face. “Did I give you a reason to not trust me?”

Melanie shook her head.

“Then don’t worry about what’s fair to me,” he commanded. “You work on moving forward just like you have been. I’ll take care of me.”

Melanie stared up at him. He could hardly make out the expression on her face, but he could feel the soft beat of her heart against his side. Her hand slid up over his chest and Tanner swore right then and there that he’d go through anything to keep this woman in his life. He wanted this family, he wanted Melanie.

“I guess I’ll stay tonight,” she whispered as she eased on up and slid her lips over his.

Tanner wasn’t going to argue, but this wasn’t the only night she’d be staying.

* * *

“I can’t believe you stayed all night with Tanner,” Jade exclaimed.

Melanie studied the man in question as he drove toward his mother’s house. Apparently she lived nearly an hour away, but Melanie didn’t know much more.

“Yup,” Melanie replied, obviously not wanting to say too much.

Tags: Jules Bennett Return to Haven Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024