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Scandalous Engagement

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“So do we get the ring back on this finger?” he asked.

Josie nodded. “Yes. Let’s go back to your house since your family is waiting on you.”

“Our family,” he corrected. “They’re our family now, Jo, because you’re mine.”


Six months seemed like a long time, but in the grand scheme of things regarding legal doings and commercial sales, it was lightning fast.

Reese smiled. Lockwood Lightning was now officially under new ownership. Sam, Nick and Reese were in the moonshine business.

“This has been a hell of a ride,” Nick stated as he poured five glasses of moonshine and one glass of apple cider for his very pregnant fiancée.

The guys had signed papers yesterday and this morning they were making things official. Rusty had been so strapped for cash between the embezzlement, the lawyer fees and back taxes he’d “forgotten” that he’d had no choice but to sell. The guys offered more than anyone else would have and now they were all starting this new chapter as one unit.

“I’m glad I could be part of it,” Reese said, sliding his arm around Josie’s waist.

Since that day she’d come home with him six months ago, she hadn’t left. She’d sent for her things, moved in and they were officially planning a wedding. The weekly blogs were getting to be exhausting, but she was loving every minute of it and he wanted nothing more than to see her happy.

Nick doled out all of the glasses as they stood in a circle in the main tasting area of Lockwood Lightning.

“To new beginnings,” Sam declared as he raised his tumbler. “This is just the start of a new dynasty.”

“And with the resort opening in a few weeks, we are slowly taking over Tennessee,” Nick added.

“I’ll drink to that,” Sam laughed.

Silvia gasped. “Oh, no.”

Everyone turned to see her holding her side.

“I think I’m having a contraction.” She grimaced. “I mean, I think I’ve had them all morning, but this one seems strong.”

“All morning?” Nick asked. “And you’re just now telling me?”

She scrunched her face and handed over her glass. Josie quickly reached for it before it dropped.

“I knew this was such an important moment for you guys,” she defended. “But I’m pretty sure I need to get to the hospital.”

Reese nodded. “Go. We’ll take care of things here.”

Nick ushered Silvia out the door and Reese turned, catching Josie’s eye. She smiled and something he didn’t quite recognize glinted in her eye.

She tipped back the cider that had been Silvia’s and handed him her moonshine.

“You might want to do another toast to new beginnings,” she told him. “And I’ll take another cider.”

Her statement, her actions, finally hit him.


Her smile widened and she nodded. “About ten weeks now.”

“Ten weeks?”

“Surprise,” she exclaimed.

Maty laughed and turned to Sam. “Don’t look at me. I have no news, but I wouldn’t mind getting a puppy.”

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