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Scandalous Engagement

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“Deal,” Sam agreed.

Reese took the empty glass from Josie and handed it to Sam. He pulled her against him and couldn’t help the tears that clogged his throat. All these years he’d thought about a family, but never knew where to start.

Now he knew.

The woman he’d been waiting for had been in his life for so long. She’d agreed to marry him for real six months ago and now they were going to start a family. Nothing could have made him happier.

“I love you,” he whispered into her ear.

“I love you, baby.” She held on to him and he thought he heard a little sniff. “We’re going to kill this parenting gig.”

He eased back. “We are,” he agreed. “But can we not tell your editor? I’m afraid of what she’ll have us do next for the magazine.”

Josie eased back, her eyes filled with unshed tears as she smiled. “We’ll hold her off as long as possible.”

Good, because Reese needed his family all to himself for now. He’d waited a long time and he finally had everything he’d ever wanted.

* * *

Meet all of the Lockwood Lightning brothers!

An Unexpected Scandal

Scandalous Reunion

Scandalous Engagement

Keep reading for an excerpt from Back in His Ex’s Bed by Joss Wood.


Luxury, scandal, desire—welcome to the lives of the American elite.

Be transported to the worlds of oil barons, family dynasties, moguls and celebrities. Get ready for juicy plot twists, delicious sensuality and intriguing scandal.


Back in His Ex’s Bed

by Joss Wood


Beah Jenkinson exited the black taxi at the swanky entrance to Claridge’s, grateful for her long vintage cashmere coat. Ignoring the light drizzle, she paid her fare, tucked her designer clutch bag under her arm and sucked in a deep breath.

She could do this; she had to do this...

It was only dinner with one of the most important and elusive art collectors in the world.

And her ex-brother-in-law Carrick.

And her ex-husband, Finn.

Who also happened to be two of her three bosses. Not a big deal.

Liar. It was such a big deal...

“Good evening, madam.”

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