Wrapped in You (The Monroes 1) - Page 21

As they sat, letting the evening breeze wash over them, Sophie couldn’t think of an answer.

If she said yes, that would imply they would share a room, share a bed, leading them into a territory she definitely didn’t want with him. If she said no, he would think she wasn’t taking them seriously. She couldn’t flat out break things off because she was still so unsure, but she certainly wasn’t ready to have a weekend away, either. Damn emotions. She was torn and didn’t want to make a life-changing mistake.

Being an adult sucked sometimes. She’d taken for granted the days when the biggest decision she needed to make was whether or not to wear pink nail polish or be bold and do black to piss off her mother.

She shifted in her seat when her hip started to ache. Of course every time her hip ached, she instantly thought of Zach. The fact that she thought of another man while being held by a man she was supposed to be in a relationship with was rather telling.

Just because she thought of Zach didn’t mean anything. By default he was part of her life simply because of Chelsea. But any romantic involvement between them had ended before it fully started.

“I didn’t mean to leave you speechless.” Martin’s breath tickled her cheek. “I wanted to surprise you and let you know how serious I’m taking our relationship. I’d like to take it to another level.”

Another level. Code for sleeping together without the sleeping.

“You certainly surprised me.” She laughed, shifting and settling deeper into his side. “I have to be honest. I’m not sure I’m ready for the next step.”

Inwardly she cringed when he didn’t say anything. She wasn’t going to lie or pretend. She wouldn’t do that with anyone, especially a man she’d been dating.

Martin kissed her head. “Think about the trip. I’d like to take you away. Whatever happens once we get there would be up to you. No pressure.”

“All right,” she told him, worried how this would play out in the end. “I’ll have to see if I have the time.”

He’d said no pressure, but Sophie had a sinking feeling once they arrived she’d feel nothing but pressure.

Maybe it was time to let go, to finally end things with him. Her parents were thrilled she was dating him. Thankfully, though, they were out of town traveling through Europe for the next month.

Sophie closed her eyes as she rested against Martin. His thumb stroked her shoulder, his other hand settled onto her thigh. The man had waited for her to move on to the next level, and Sophie had to admit most men wouldn’t have been as understanding.

Martin knew about the accident—who in this town didn’t? He’d never brought it up, but Sophie figured he had to know why she was so hesitant.

If Martin was getting this serious, was he thinking long-term? Because if he was, Sophie had some more things to consider. What would Martin do if he found out she couldn’t have children? Would he see her as flawed? Would he want nothing to do with her?

Sophie wasn’t going to borrow trouble. She had no intention of telling anyone about her infertility. Unless she planned on marrying a man, there was no reason to disclose the final piece of her painful past, especially when she knew this relationship was most likely coming to an end.

* * *

Cool air enveloped Sophie as she stepped into the old Sunset Lake mansion. Early morning sun pierced through each and every window, dust particles dancing in the vibrant light.

The grand foyer was stunning, even with the scarred, filthy wood floors. It was the huge stained-glass window on the landing of the curved staircase that stole the show as soon as anyone entered the home.

She honestly had no clue what the guys would be facing as far as getting the property up to safety codes in order to open a business, but the end result would be nothing short of breathtaking. She only wished Chelsea was around to see her dream come to life.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

Sophie jerked around at the grouchy tone. Zach, complete with scowl and messed hair, stared back at her.

She was done catering to his moodiness, so she pasted on a smile. “I wanted to see the place again.”

“I invited her.” Braxton came from one of the side rooms off the foyer. “If you’re going to be nasty, go to another part of the house. Sophie has just as much right to be here as we do.”

Zach’s eyes narrowed as he stalked past her and ran his gaze over the ceiling, the window frames, and muttered something under his breath. He’d dismissed her, but that was fine. She wasn’t leaving, and if he wanted to be a jerk, that was his problem. Yes, she wanted to be here for Zach, but she wanted to be part of this endeavor too, because a resort and spa would be brilliant.

“Ignore him,” Braxton said with a smile. “He hasn’t had coffee yet.”

“Is that the excuse for the past decade?” she half joked, but Zach’s stiffening shoulders weren’t lost on her. She hadn’t meant to poke the bear. Okay, maybe she had, but come on. How long could a person brood?

“Want me to walk with you, or are you exploring on your own?”

Sophie looked back at Braxton. “I can look on my own. I’ll just text you if I need you.”

Tags: Jules Bennett The Monroes Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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