Wrapped in You (The Monroes 1) - Page 81

Breakfast was quiet, and a bit awkward. The dogs were nipping at Zach’s pants and Brock’s pants. A strange teen sat in Zach’s kitchen eating like a starving boy, and Sophie, sweet as you please, quietly stood up and started to make more food for Brock before she’d even finished her own plate.

Questions circled Zach’s head and he couldn’t get into the personal ones just yet. He needed the basics, and he needed them now.

“Where do you live?” Zach asked, looking across the island at Brock.

Shoving his empty plate aside, Zach waited for the boy to shrug or make an excuse not to answer.


An hour away. Sophie kept her back to them as she prepared more food. Her silent support meant everything, and Zach knew she would be taking all of this in and making her own opinion. They would no doubt discuss it later when they were alone.

“And you live with your mother?”

Brock nodded, draining his milk glass. “And whatever boyfriend she has at the time. She’s had the same one for a little over a month, though. I’m afraid he’s staying.”

Sophie’s shoulders stiffened. Zach placed his palms on the counter. “They don’t know you left, so what are your plans?”

Now Brock did shrug, the signature move for most teens who don’t want to answer or even discuss the current topic. Too damn bad.

“You don’t want to go home and you don’t want me calling CPS. My hands are tied,” Zach told him honestly. “I want to help, but I need to know exactly what’s going on and why you left. If you want help, you need to help me.”

Brock glanced over his shoulder just as Sophie carefully stepped beside him with the hot skillet. She scooped the food onto his plate.

“I’m heading out,” she stated, placing the pan back on the stove. “I’ll be at the office if you need me.” She eyed Zach. “For anything.”

He nodded. “Thank you.”

The dogs tried to follow her as she headed toward the front door. Zach whistled to get them back into the kitchen. His home had turned into a refuge for strays. The irony was not lost on him. His parents would love to see this, would love the fact that Zach hadn’t turned anyone or anything away. They’d instilled in him that need to help others. Their love, loyalty, and dedication had made him the man he was today.

Zach took the empty bar stool next to Brock. “Okay. Start talking, and I want the entire truth so I can figure out how to help you. You lie to me and we’re done.”

Brock remained so still, Zach didn’t know if he was going to say anything or not. Finally Brock nodded and sighed. “All right. I’ll tell you everything.”

Chapter Eighteen

After meeting with the new doctor in town and his wife about their needs for a new home, and double-checking the building permit at the courthouse, Sophie was exhausted. Still, the day was a success since she’d managed to get in and out of the courthouse without running into Martin. Now she just had to drop a FOR SALE sign off in a new client’s yard and she could head home.

Well, she could head home, but she planned on stopping at Sunset Lake to check in on Zach. She’d not heard from him all day, and she was desperately worried about Brock . . . and Zach. There was no way the man could be untouched by having a near mirror-image of the boy he’d once been thrust into his face.

But Zach would do the right thing.

She also had some good news to share and she wanted to do so in person.

Sophie maneuvered her car through downtown, taking in the busy sidewalks with laughing kids, smiling families, couples holding hands. Summer was just getting started and with Savannah only twenty minutes away, the town would be even busier as tourists trickled in.

She loved tourists. Loved seeing her beautiful town thrive even when the economy wasn’t the greatest. This community took care to make the area look lovely, the garden club always keeping fat pots overflowing with flowers at the base of each lamppost lining Main Street. Volunteer groups from local high schools kept litter picked up for extra credit—yay to those smart teachers—and the city council was adamant about

storefronts being freshly painted. Haven was most definitely a picturesque town, which would only help the new resort attract clientele.

Pulling into the long, curved drive, she spotted Zach’s old truck at the top of the incline. As she rounded the curve, she saw Liam’s SUV as well. Blowing out a breath, she pulled in behind the vehicles. With no Braxton, did this mean Brock was playing referee? Was Brock even here? Well, if nothing else came from this project, maybe Zach and Liam would learn to actually talk and get along. Sophie didn’t care if that was all wishful thinking; she’d keep wishing until the day came when those two burned the guilt-and-anger bridge.

The late afternoon sun was hotter than she’d anticipated and the silk blouse she wore was starting to cling to her in some very unpleasant areas. Nothing like sweat rings to polish off that professional look she prided herself on. She had her gym bag in the trunk, but it mostly had a spare bathing suit and a pair of shorts. Not the look she should put forth here either. She was going to have to start keeping a change of clothes with her since she planned on being here after work most days.

Digging in her purse for a clip, she twisted her hair and quickly piled it on top of her head. The air on her neck helped. Maybe she wouldn’t have a heat stroke.

Her car door opened and Sophie screamed.

With an arm on the roof of the car, Zach leaned in. His lopsided grin, sweaty shirt, and rugged looks were nearly enough to have her overheating again.

Tags: Jules Bennett The Monroes Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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