Wrapped in You (The Monroes 1) - Page 94

Zach shoved his brother aside. “I’m not heartless. I can’t be with her. Drop it.”

Zach headed into the kitchen. Liam was taking a drink, Brock was trying not to look at anyone, and Zach focused on the wall that needed new Sheetrock. Holes for three outlets and one light switch would need to be cut.

“You’re such an asshole.” Braxton pushed Zach from behind. “You left Sophie when things got complicated because you’re afraid.”

Zach whirled around, slapped the folder onto the island, and clenched his fists.

“Easy there,” Liam demanded. “No fighting.”

“Since when are you the mediator?” Zach called over his shoulder. “You guys don’t get it. You have no idea—”

“I know her parents came by and you freaked out,” Braxton interrupted. “Sophie told me everything, which only makes you more of a prick.”

Zach sighed. “You know what? You all can work. I’m taking a break.”

“Better cool down if you’re going to see Sophie,” Liam stated.

Zach flipped him a finger before storming out the back door. Damn his family for being so . . . concerned. He didn’t want concern, he wanted . . .

At this point Zach didn’t know what he wanted. If anything was possible in the do-over category, he’d take the night of the accident. Hindsight always proved what a selfish idiot he’d been.

He got in his truck and headed home to let the dogs out, feed them, play with them. Spending a few minutes around something that actually enjoyed his company was what he needed, because he was trying like hell not to go to Sophie’s house and beg her not to shut him completely out. But that wasn’t fair to either of them. She needed to move on, though the idea killed him, but in the long run she’d be okay and she’d find love with a man who would . . .

Zach slammed his palm on the steering wheel. He didn’t even want to think in those terms. Brock’s words kept playing over in his mind. Could it be that easy to take Sophie’s love? Could she truly love him as much as she said she did? He’d taken everything from her, yet she claimed none of it mattered now.

Could she be that forgiving? She’d forgiven him when he’d clearly never forgiven himself. But he’d walked out on her yesterday. Walked out when she likely needed him most.

Yeah, he had decisions to make and a comfort zone to step out of. He could live his life, his life, and take control, or he could watch the woman he loved move on without him.

The choice was clear. She may have told him never to come back into her life, but that wasn’t going to stop him from staking his claim. Sophie had fought for them long enough. Now it was his turn.

Chapter Twenty-One

Sophie gave her assistant several errands to run, then told her to take the rest of the day off. Basically, Sophie just wanted to close herself in her office, turn the CLOSED sign around, and hide. She could still answer e-mails and phone calls, but right now she wasn’t in the mood for much of anything.

Nearly a week had passed since she’d seen Zach. Six days, to be exact. She’d told him not to come back into her life, but she thought he might at least try something. . . anything.

Sophie pulled up her e-mails, but her focus drifted to the pencil drawing on the far wall in her office: the row of connected buildings, her office tucked right in the midst of them all. She’d done this drawing the day she’d bought the building for her office . . . nearly four years after the accident.

What started out as therapy had definitely become a passion, but she was having the hardest time trying to come up with more sketches for the Sunset Lake house. Each time she sat down to draw, she thought of Zach, of the diligent way he was pushing forward with this project. Even after all he’d done, and not done, she admired him for honoring Chelsea’s memory.

She would fulfill her promise in spite of Zach and his stubborn ways. She would finish the sketches, she would get them to one of his brothers, and she would promote the hell out of this new business when the time came. And she’d do it all because no matter the end result, Sophie loved Zach’s family.

The main door chimed and Sophie sat straight up. Time to put on the professional smile . . . she should’ve just turned the CLOSED sign around like she’d wanted to.

Before she could get to her feet, her office door opened.

“I was hoping I’d find you here.”

A sliver of disappointment settled in as Sophie stared across the room at her mother. She’d not seen her parents since the bomb that had been dropped on Zach.

“Can I come in?”

Sophie gestured to the chair opposite her desk. Easing back, she waited for her mom to have a seat. Hopefully this would be a peaceful visit because Sophie wasn’t in the mood, nor did she have the energy to get into it with her mother.

“You’ve not returned my calls,” her mother stated, crossing her legs like the proper lady she was. “I know you’re angry, but I never thought you’d shut me out.”

“I never thought you’d purposely try to ruin my life.” Sophie sighed and shook her head. She didn’t want to become that bitter person who blamed everyone else for their own actions. Sophie was the one who’d chosen not to reveal the truth about her infertility. “That was harsh. I’m sorry, but you have to know what you did is hard to forgive.”

Tags: Jules Bennett The Monroes Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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