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Eden High: Series 2 (Eden High 1-2)

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Sian was busy tugging on my shirttail and trying to drag me off somewhere. “Let’s go Jace before I’m visiting you from behind plate glass for the next ten to twenty.” Since I couldn’t strangle the twit with the nosy one there I had no choice but to leave, but not before one last parting shot.

“Did you really think I sent that flowers?” I pointed at Mandy as I gave my girl my little boy hurt look and she giggled. “It was a momentary blip, won’t happen again.” We walked away leaving Mandy fuming no doubt, but since I wasn’t afraid of her scabby ass I didn’t care.

My girl was smiling again as she babbled on to me as we left the hospital. Her doc had given her a clean bill of health. She still had some twinges and shit that would leave in a few weeks at most, but all in all nothing major.

I didn’t let on, but my mind was on Mandy. She looked like shit, and it got me to thinking about that night, and who the fuck had tried to kill her and why?

Nothing was adding up. Stanley had been gone before I heard that shot, of that I was sure, so who? I was starting to have my own suspicions, but that would mean that someone else knew her dirty little secret, but who, which one?

That was something I’d have to take out and examine when I didn’t have my chatterbox next to me in the car. “Geez Jace, Mandy looks like shit.” She didn’t seem too broken up about it. Females, vicious beings that they are.

“Yeah and?”

“I kinda feel sorry for her having been there or close myself.”

“Babe, don’t be one of those.” I gave her a look out the side of my eye.

“One of what?” She pouted at me. Yeah keep playing. I’m about to undo all of the doc’s work. She has the cutest little pout, makes me think of doing very bad things to her. But I needed to concentrate on this shit because she was about to go female on my ass.

“One of those idiot women who fall for the bullshit. A snake might shed its skin but not its intentions, the shits are venomous no matter what.”

“I know, I’m just saying.”

“Don’t just say shit, that’s how people get into trouble. Stay the fuck away from that snake because if you get bitten it’s gonna be your ass.”

“I wasn’t planning to become her new best friend or anything geez.” She rolled her damn eyes at me and huffed. Her little ass is full of fire today. I guess she really is feeling better.

“Keep it that way, forget what she looks like now and remember her trying to drop you on your fucking head a few weeks ago.” Why are women so annoying with this shit? That’s why their ass end up dead in the first screenshot; too damn gullible.

I’m gonna have to keep an eye on this one, make sure her soft heart don’t get her caught in the viper’s nest. Mandy is one of those animals that would eat their young.

Chapter 6



Mom and dad were nowhere to be found when we got home. I was supposed to be taking her back to school for the last couple of classes but fuck it. “Jace what are we doing here?”

Okay, my driveway is like two miles long. She didn’t say shit when we came through the gate, not a peep all the way up here, now this shit. I didn’t even bother to answer, just climbed out and went around to get her.

The truth is, I was pissed that I didn’t get to pop Mandy upside her damn head. I was this close, and then nothing. I figure since her nosiness denied me my right as her man to protect and defend, she could help me work off this shit.

I picked her little ass up and spun us around after she wrapped her legs around me. “Kiss me baby I missed you.” She grinned and snogged me while I felt up her ass.

For some fucked up reason, my whole attitude changed in the blink of an eye. I don’t know if it was because even for a split second today she believed I’d betrayed her, or because I’d come face to face with the person I was convinced had had a hand in hurting her, but something inside me seized.

“Baby, look at me.” The laughter died quickly on her lips when she looked down at my face and saw how serious I had become. “I don’t want you even thinking about her again baby, she’s not worth our time. Do you hear me?” She nodded her head yes. “Good girl.” I took her lips softly, putting all the love I had for her in that one moment.

“Now I think I owe you a spanking for even believing for a second that I’d bought that twit flowers.” I put her down and patted her ass before wrapping my arm around her neck and heading for the house.

“I’m sorry Jace but you have to admit it looked kind of suspicious you being there on her floor.” She gave me a look like that shit was obvious.

“No, I don’t have to admit shit, you should know better.” I gave her a stern look to let her know how serious I was.

Even with everything that had happened I still don’t think she realized what a fucking parasite Mandy really is. Still, we had spent more than enough time on her dumb ass for one day so it was time to move on and I knew just how I wanted to do that.

“Now when we get in there your ass is gonna get it one of two ways.” I whispered her choices in her ear and she giggled and tried running away from me.

“Where you going?” I grabbed at her as she laughed her ass off, just the way I like her, carefree and happy.

“Freak, get off.” She was laughing too hard to talk and I knew that at least her mind wasn’t on what had happened earlier with that troll bitch.

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