James and the Giant Peach - Page 37

'Bless my soul!' cried the Head of the Fire Department, going red in the face. 'It really is a little boy, isn't it?'

'Don't be frightened of us, please!' James called out. 'We are so glad to be here!'

'What about those others beside you?' shouted the Chief of Police. 'Are any of them dangerous?'

'Of course they're not dangerous!' James answered. 'They're the nicest creatures in the world! Allow me to introduce them to you one by one and then I'm sure you will believe me.'

'My friends, this is the Centipede, and let me make it known

He is so sweet and gentle that (although he's overgrown) The Queen of Spain, again and again, has summoned him by phone

To baby-sit and sing and knit and be a chaperone

When nurse is off and all the royal children are alone.'

('Small wonder,' said a Fireman, 'they're no longer on the throne.')

'The Earthworm, on the other hand,'

Said James, beginning to expand,

'Is great for digging up the land

And making old soils newer.

Moreover, you should understand

He would be absolutely grand

For digging subway tunnels and

For making you a sewer.'

(The Earthworm blushed and beamed with pride.

Miss Spider clapped and cheered and cried, 'Could any words be truer?')

'And the Grasshopper, ladies and gents, is a boon

In millions and millions of ways.

You have only to ask him to give you a tune

And he plays and he plays and he plays.

As a toy for your children he's perfectly sweet;

There's nothing so good in the shops -

You've only to tickle the soles of his feet

And he hops and he hops and he hops.'

('He can't be very fierce!' exclaimed

The Head of all the Cops.)

'And now without excuse

Tags: Roald Dahl Fantasy
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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