Take Me Again (The Knight Brothers 1) - Page 16

She curled her fingers around the device, well aware he hadn’t moved, was still leaning over her, hovering in her personal space.

The iPad dinged again.

“Come on, turn it over. See what lover boy wants.”

With a frown, and curious herself, she flipped the tablet. Come home so we can work things out.

“Pushy SOB,” Sebastian muttered.

“You don’t even know him. He’s a perfectly nice man.” She found herself defending Jonathan, even as she did her best not to wince at the pathetic way her description of him sounded. Unfortunately it was true. Jonathan was a perfectly pleasant man.

Behind her, Sebastian snickered. “I suppose the sex is perfectly nice, too.”

She couldn’t believe he’d go there. Of all the nerve! She jumped up from her seat, leaving her iPad on the table, while he walked around, meeting her face-to-face in the aisle.

“Problem?” he asked, an amused smile on his too handsome face.

She settled her hands on her hips, not willing to let him make fun of her. “Sex isn’t everything in a relationship. There are other things that are more important.”

He raised an eyebrow, obviously surprised at her pronouncement. “Like what?” He stepped closer, invading her space, his delicious scent almost a part of her.

She hesitated and he jumped on her reticence. “Tell me, Ashley, what’s more important between a couple than sex?”

Her mouth ran dry but she managed to answer. “Shared interests, kindness, understanding.”

“But not sex?” His eyebrows raised high. “You’re telling me it doesn’t matter to you if a man turns you on? If just being with him makes your panties wet?” His voice grew deeper, huskier. “If just looking at him makes your nipples turn hard, like yours are now?”

She refused to glance down and see that he was right. She already felt the dampness between her legs, the slick pulsing of her sex. Just from being near Sebastian. She swallowed hard.

“Tell me, Ashley, does lover boy have you panting like I did eight years ago?” He paused, then, “When he sticks his tongue into your mouth, do you find yourself rubbing your breasts against his chest? Your pussy into his thigh?”

He reached up and ran his thumb across her damp lower lip. “Does he make you breathe as heavily as you are now?” His face was now inches from hers, his eyes darkened with desire. “Are you really telling me this isn’t important?” His thumb pressed deeper into her lip, need filling her more with every breath.

She couldn’t answer him. Couldn’t deny his words. Not when she wanted him down to the very depths of her soul.

He leaned in slowly, giving her every opportunity to push him away or to walk away herself. Except she didn’t. She remained in place, her lips hovering near his.

She didn’t know who moved first. Couldn’t say and didn’t care. Because in a heartbeat, his mouth was on hers. Tasting. Devouring. Reminding her that when the yearning was mutual, sex was important, and in this moment, that desire blocked out every rational thought that tried to break through and remind her of why being with Sebastian this way was a very bad idea.

His tongue swept into her mouth, tangling with hers, a delicious counterpoint to the throbbing between her legs, as she kissed him back, all hesitance, all thoughts gone but one.

She wanted him.

She raised her hands, wrapping her arms around his shoulders while his palms had settled firmly on her hips, holding her in place for a kiss that was more like a feasting.

He tasted delicious, all man and Sebastian, his mouth firmly on hers, telling her he was in charge.

And in this moment, she liked it that way. She wanted him to take her out of her head, to show her the pleasure she’d claimed meant nothing, the gratification she’d wanted to deny.

Instead she lost herself to the sweep of his tongue, the bite of his teeth on her lip, the suction of his kisses as his mouth moved over her cheek and along her jaw. She moaned at the sensual assault, lost in the way he made her feel.

He nibbled down her neck, sucking on her collarbone until she was a trembling mess in his arms. Only the firm grip of his arm, which had, at some point, moved around her waist, held her jelly-like legs up at all.

Suddenly he lifted his head, meeting her gaze, his blue eyes a deeper than normal shade. “Think about that when you remember the perfectly nice guy waiting for you in London.” He set her firmly on her feet, waited until she was steady, until she could hold herself up without the dizzying assault on her senses affecting her.

Only then did he stride over to the bar and pour himself a glass of whiskey. Taking a sip, he met her gaze and held her stare, desire still pulsing between them.

Tags: Carly Phillips The Knight Brothers Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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