Dare Me Tonight (The Knight Brothers 3) - Page 46

To his brother’s credit, he didn’t say a word about it. Instead he and Emily were making Sienna feel at home.

“Come on,” Emily said, hooking her arm into Sienna’s. “Let’s go eat.” She patted her small belly. “This one keeps me hungry.”

Sienna merely blushed, shot Ethan a glance, and headed for the kitchen with Emily.

Parker turned to Ethan. “Want a scotch?”

He shook his head. “I’m good. Get one if you want.”

“Nah, I’m fine, too. Just trying to be a good host. Not that it’s my place but it is my second home.” He led Ethan to the big room by the windows facing the front lawn and the fireplace in the corner and they took seats facing each other.

“So what brings you to my neck of the woods? Not that I’m complaining,” Parker said.

Ethan glanced over, and though the space was open-concept, it was huge, and Sienna was busy at the kitchen table, talking to Emily in hushed murmurs. He could talk to his brother without being overheard.

“A couple of reasons, to be honest. Sienna needed a break from some family drama, for one thing. I needed to get her alone and receptive to seeing I’m a decent guy, for another.”

Parker narrowed his gaze. “What did you do?” he asked, sounding resigned.

“Sebastian didn’t tell you?”

Parker shrugged. “Maybe I wanted to hear your version, too.”

“Won’t get any better in the second telling,” Ethan muttered.

Parker shook his head. “Look, I know you were dealt a shit hand but it’s time to get over it.”

“And I have. Mostly.” Ethan couldn’t quite wrap his head around the idea of having a wife and kid, but he didn’t have to make that leap yet. “I’m working on it.”

Parker slapped his knee. “Well, whatever the reason, I’m happy to have you here. I took a couple of days off so we can show you around and have some fun. Sound good?”

Ethan nodded. Sounded good.

Having Sienna to himself sounded even better.

* * *

Colorado provided a soothing balm to Sienna’s heart and soul. The fresh air, the green grass, the lack of humidity common to her home state, all made for a refreshing change. One she hadn’t realized she needed. She loved Ethan’s brother Parker and his wife, Emily, as much as she’d liked Sierra. She hadn’t had a chance to get to know Sebastian, but she assumed he was as amiable as the rest of the Knight clan. She could see what a shock Ethan’s behavior this past year must have been to the family. Parker was thrilled, in his words, to have his brother back. He’d even called it a new and improved version.

Sienna liked all parts of Ethan, even the dark, surly man she’d first met. She wouldn’t have slept with him otherwise. There was something about him that she’d been drawn to from the beginning, and now that he was smiling and enjoying life, she felt like she had the best of him.

They ate dinner at Parker and Emily’s favorite restaurant and made plans to drive around tomorrow, see Parker’s new ski shop and Emily and her best friend Harper’s Bake and Brew. But today had been a long travel day, and after dinner, Sienna was exhausted, something Ethan seemed to pick up on.

“Do you want us to come back to the inn?” Parker asked as they walked out of the restaurant.

Ethan shook his head. “I think Sienna needs sleep.” He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her against him.

It was all she could do not to lay her head on his shoulder and fall asleep right here.

They said their good nights, Parker and Emily promising to come over around ten tomorrow morning. Good, Sienna thought. She could sleep in.

They walked into the inn, James having left the door unlocked for them. He told them he turned in early and instructed them to lock up when they got home. No sooner had Ethan turned the dead bolt than he picked up Sienna in his arms and began carrying her up the stairs.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Putting you to bed. You’re dead on your feet,” he said in a gruff voice. “I appreciate you pushing through dinner with my brother, but I can see you’re exhausted.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding on as he walked them up the stairs and into their shared bedroom. He laid her down on the bed.

She rolled over and closed her eyes for a minute and the next thing she knew, she woke up to a pitch-black room. She’d obviously fallen fast asleep. As she inventoried herself and her surroundings, she realized that Ethan had undressed her, leaving her in her underwear alone. She wasn’t even wearing her bra.

Beside her, under the covers, Ethan slept, facing the other direction. A quick check and she realized he wore boxer briefs and nothing more.

Tags: Carly Phillips The Knight Brothers Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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