Pose (Club Kitten Dancers 2) - Page 9

“I said I was going to.”

“I know, it’s just that…well, you know.”

“What do I know?”

“That guys don’t really call when they say they’re going to.”

“Those guys are idiots.”

“That’s most guys.”


“I think so, too, but…”

“But what?”

“Where did you come from, James?” I can’t help but ask. “You’re so different from other guys.”

“How so?”

“You pay attention. You’re sweet. You’re super freaking hot,” I blush even as I admit it. He can’t see my face, but I blush.

Super hard.

“Why, Kasey,” I can practically hear him smiling “Did you just admit you have a little bit of a crush on me?”

“A little bit,” I admit.

“How much is a little?”

“Maybe a lot.”

“Is that so?”

“Mmm,” I answer. I don’t want to tell him this conversation is already more intense than my last three relationships.

“You know,” James says, and I try to focus on his words and not the sweet fucking sound of his voice. “I don’t actually know you that well.”

“You could change all that.”

“Tell me about yourself.”

And here is where it gets hard. This is why dating is difficult. How do you condense your life into a few simple lines? A few basic ideas? How do you take everything you are and just condense that?

“I’m in college. English major. Amazing at what I do. I’m a pole dancer and I work at Top Five.”

“The restaurant?”

“The one and only.”



“I bet you look sexy in your uniform.”

“I could say the same thing about you.”

Tags: Claire Adams Club Kitten Dancers Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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