525 Cherry Blossom Ln. (Cherry Falls Romance) - Page 14

“Aren’t you going to see who the flowers are from?” she asks.

“Uh… I don’t think I want to know right now,” I answer.

“O-M-Gee! You have to look. Here I’ll do it for you!” she cries as she eagerly snatches the card from the holder. I don’t even get the chance to stop her.

“No! I can look later—”

“They’re from Linc!!!” she cries, interrupting me. My eyes dilate and if it were possible, my head would spin around.

“Linc?” I gasp, breath see-sawing in my chest so shallowly my heart feels as if it’s about to explode.

“He says he’s sorry and would like you to come over for dinner at his place tonight! Isn’t that romantic? I don’t think Linc has ever invited anyone to his place for dinner before! This is so awesome! Don’t you think it’s awesome?”

I don’t answer her. I can’t.

“I told you!” she says, and I force myself to look at her, all but snatching the card out of her hand.

“Told me what?” I ask, still feeling breathless.

“He’s knotted up in you.”

Shit, shit, shit….



I down a virgin Bloody Mary, Tylenol, and flop back down on my couch. My head is better after a day off work and life—but it’s still a dull roar. I don’t get drunk. I like being in control way too much, but I drank way past the point of no return yesterday. Today, I’m having all the regrets, but oh well…

I wasn’t joking when I talked to Zeke. I fucked up and I don’t know how to make it better. I’ve hurt Jodie and did it without realizing it—at least the first time. If I had known she was a virgin, I would have been gentler with her—I definitely would have handled the morning after differently. And instead of trying to make up for it all, I accuse her of announcing everything to the town on purpose—which I knew she hadn’t done. It’s like when I’m around her, my brain short circuits.

I wasn’t lying to Zeke, either. I still want her. I wanted her after I had her—hell, I was looking forward to seeing her again. Then, shit went south. Now, I somehow made bad get even worse.

I’m pulled away from my misery when someone knocks on my door. I’m definitely not up for company. Zeke mentioned he might come by tonight, but damn, I’m really not in the mood for company. Another knock, this one more insistent, gets me moving. I stand up, ignoring the way my head pounds with the movement. I wince as I make it to the door, my eyes closing against the sun outside. I don’t know how much beer I drank last night, but apparently, it was a fuck of a lot.

“Listen, Zeke—”

“Delivery from Virgin Street Diner,” the peppy woman says, holding out a to-go bag.

“I uh… didn’t order delivery—”

“You’re Lincoln Locke, right?”

“Well, yeah, but I didn’t order food.”

“It says you did,” she shrugs.

“Okay, how much do I owe you?” I ask the question to the girl’s back because she’s already turned around.

“It was paid for in advance, even the tip!”

I frown but close the door and put the bag on the cheap-ass table that’s in the corner of my small ass apartment. My phone starts ringing, and I pick it up, glancing at the ID and seeing Zeke’s name pop up.


“What in the hell are you doing? The last thing I want is food right now,” I grumble.

“How do you know it was from me?” Zeke laughs.

“Because if it wasn’t, you wouldn’t be calling me right now.”

“It could be coincidence,” he laughs.

“And you could be a great guy and not an asshole, but…”

“Ouch. Fine, it was me. I thought you’d like to have real food instead of beer tonight.”

“I saw and from the Virgin Street Diner.”

“You caught that, did you?” he laughs.

“Yeah, I caught it, bastard,” I gripe, which just makes him laugh harder.

“I have one more surprise in store for you tonight. So, if it shows up, play along and be the nice guy that I know you can be.”

“What kind of surprise?” I ask, seriously concerned now.

“You’ll see. Just make sure you play along and don’t cut your nose off to spite your face.”

“What the fuck does that mean?”

“No idea, but my grandmother used to say it all the time.”


“Later, Linc,” Zeke says, and he hangs up before I can respond. I toss the phone on my bed, which is actually a fold-out couch. If I’m going to stay in Cherry Falls, I need to be looking for a better place. Beach front is awesome, but a nicer apartment would be better for the long term.

I look at the food, wondering if I should try to eat. It sounds miserable right now, but maybe in a bit…

There’s another knock on the door and I put my head down and pinch the bridge of my nose. I’m almost afraid to see what Zeke has done now. He was way too vague for my liking. I walk slowly to the door and I don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t Jodie Jones standing at my door. She’s gorgeous, her long dark hair straight and flowing down her back. She’s wearing jeans and a purple shirt that hugs her breasts perfectly. She’s not wearing makeup, but then, Jodie doesn’t need it. I’m trying to find my voice so that I can talk to her, but she doesn’t give me that chance.

Tags: Jordan Marie Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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