525 Cherry Blossom Ln. (Cherry Falls Romance) - Page 24

“I’m going to make you love me, Jodie.”

“Maybe I’ll make you love me, Linc,” she counters, and I kiss her as I begin to move, setting a rhythm we both need.

“I can guarantee that, Jodie. You’re a part of me,” I admit, and I have no idea if she knows what I’m saying, but we have time.

We have time.

“Make love to me, Linc,” she begs, her body moving perfectly with mine.

We were made to fit together, there’s never been anything better. We’re art together. I ride her hard, bending over her to suck on her breasts, biting the nipples and rejoicing when her body shudders against me and I feel her climax begin. I keep at it, promising myself that I won’t come until she shatters beneath me and when she comes, crying out my name, I come deep inside of her.

And it feels like coming home…



I stretch, my entire body warm as I slowly open my eyes. Linc’s arms are wrapped around me, his long hair covering my shoulder and skating down to my breasts as he holds me close from behind. I smile, feeling secure and cherished.

“Morning, baby,” he murmurs against my ear, his voice sounding graveled and full of sleep.

I roll over on my back as he gives me room to do that. Instantly, his hand comes up and his fingers move along my cheek. He tucks some of my hair behind my ear and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone look as beautiful as he does.

“Good morning,” I murmur. He leans down and takes my mouth, kissing me so deeply that I can only groan from the pleasure.

“I could get used to you in my bed every morning, Jodie Jones,” he says, continuing to kiss along my neck.

“I have to admit, I like the way this morning is going more than the last time,” I giggle.

He groans against my neck, the sound muffled, his hot breath sending shivers of pleasure through my body.

“I fucked up so bad.”

“Maybe a little, but we were on different pages, and somehow we’re still here, so that can’t be a bad thing,” I reason.

“We’re still here,” he repeats.

“You know, if you got carried away last night, I don’t want you to think that I—”

“You’re mine, baby. I’m not sharing you, and I wouldn’t expect you to either. I don’t want that kind of relationship with you.” I don’t answer and he stares at me. “What are you smiling at?” he questions. “I’m being serious here.”

“I know, I’m just happy, so I don’t really know what to say.”

“You can say that you love me and we’re going to make this work.”

“Isn’t it a little too soon for love?” I ask, knowing I do love him, but also knowing that I’m not the kind of girl to jump in without testing the waters around me.

“I’ll prove to you it’s not. Just give me time, Jodie girl. Just give me time,” he purrs, his hand sliding down between my legs.

“Now that I can do,” I purr, opening myself up to him, as I reach down to wrap my hand around his already hard cock.

“You’re not acting very virginal,” he groans, as I position him at my entrance. I’m already wet and ready for him, I don’t want to wait.

His hand moves from working me, to slide over mine. Together, we hold his cock right before he slides into me. Then, our joined hands come up and he presses them against the mattress as he begins to ride me.

“That’s because I’m a victim of the virgin slayer,” I murmur, our bodies already beginning to move together.

“Shut up and kiss me, Jodie girl,” he growls, and I do as he tells me because God knows I want his kiss more than I want my next breath.

Linc and I might have started off rocky and very unorthodox, but I know in my heart this is right. I love him… and eventually… I’ll even tell him that.



One Year Later

“You’re quiet. What are you thinking?”

I look up at Jodie and she’s standing by the door in one of my shirts, her dark hair down and gleaming because she’s been brushing it. My heart squeezes in my chest. She’s beautiful. I never dreamed how much my life would change in one short year, but it has and all for the better. Jodie and I have been living together in my apartment. Her parents aren’t happy about it, but that doesn’t seem to bother Jodie. They push us constantly to get married, but for whatever reason we haven’t. For me a piece of paper doesn’t equal a commitment and Jodie doesn’t seem in a big hurry either. I’m used to living in a world where you claim your woman and I’ve definitely claimed Jodie. The way she’s looking at me, smiling as if I’m everything she wants, makes me feel pretty fucking claimed, too.

Tags: Jordan Marie Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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