Arson & Ache (Surrender to Them 8) - Page 43

“I promise this isn’t just the pain meds still left in my system talking, but this whole situation has made me realize something.” I squeezed Marissa’s hand. “We haven’t had much conversation about the future, but just know this—I want you to be a part of my future, no matter what.”

“We can talk about that later.” She nodded, but a slight smile formed on the edge of her lips. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Yeah, cause we’re not going to let you.” Kincaid chuckled and nodded. “The three of us against the world—that’s all I need.”

Those simple words—they meant everything in that moment. I truly believed that we could find a way to make it work. Kincaid had overcome his concerns about sharing Marissa and he was c

ommitted. I was no longer afraid of that kind of commitment. It was all I wanted. I hadn’t just fallen for Marissa, I loved her. There would be challenges, but we had survived hell and lived to see the other side. Heaven was what we deserved, and I was going to fight to make sure every day was our version of paradise. There was light at the end of the tunnel, even if I would have some touchy days ahead of me as I recovered. I would be stronger with them by my side, and our relationship was going to be one that didn’t falter, no matter what we faced.

“Okay, you need to get some rest.” Kincaid leaned back and reached for the button that controlled the drip. “We’ll be here when you wake up.”

“And every day after that.” Marissa nodded and squeezed my hand.

I’m looking forward to that.



Six months later

Fireball’s trial was brief. The District Attorney allowed her to plead guilty by reason of insanity, and the judge accepted his recommendation for treatment instead of prison. There was a chance Donovan’s sister might one day be a free woman again, but it would be a long time before that was even up for consideration. It was the best possible outcome considering what she did. The city of New York moved on once the initial media circus was over. It felt like a memory that I had to sometimes remind myself was actually real. I think a part of my brain just wanted to block it out and forget the horrifying night that almost cost me everything. It certainly changed my perspective. There was no denying that. I valued the things I had—and most of that was centered on Donovan and Kincaid.

Ms. Stone changed a lot after her experience with Fireball. She stopped being the tyrant at the top of Livingston Capital and spent more time with her employees—without yelling at them. The publicity from her kidnapping and what she went through drew a lot of attention to Livingston Capital. Some of it was negative, once the news broke that Fireball used to work for Ms. Stone, but within a few months, we had more accounts than ever. I guess people felt like they could trust someone who went through what she did. Ms. Stone still ran the company with the same intensity as always, but she motivated instead of berated. It was a welcome change, and most days everyone went to work with a smile on their face. Ms. Stone even took a vacation a couple of months after the ordeal, and Hannah told me that she thought Ms. Stone was actually dating someone. Perhaps the experience changed more than her perspective on business—there were things that were certainly more important than the bottom line.

“You have a lot of stuff for someone who lives alone.” Kincaid looked around my apartment and grinned.

“Luckily I have two big strong firefighters to help me move.” I walked over to him and put my hand on his waist. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure it’s worth it once we’re moved into our new place.”

“I know you will.” Donovan walked up and put his hand on my back. “Why else do you think we want you to live with us?”

“I thought you just wanted to save me from the walk of shame I was doing every morning.” I looked over my shoulder at him.

“Those days are definitely over.” Kincaid pressed his lips to my neck. “And we’re going to christen every room in our new house before this weekend is over.”

“Twice.” Kincaid exhaled sharply and kissed the other side of my neck.

I didn’t even hesitate to say yes when Kincaid and Donovan suggested that we move in together. I knew that I wanted to be with the two of them for the rest of my life, and they were both committed to our future. I broke the news of my relationship to my family when I visited at Christmas, and my parents were a little concerned at first, but they wanted the best for me. I expected my father to lose his mind when he found out his daughter was dating two men, but he told me that it didn’t matter if I was happy. I couldn’t think of anything that would make me happier than living with the two of them—until we got to our new place and they proposed. I wasn’t just going to be their live-in girlfriend, I was going to be their wife. I accepted their proposal faster than I accepted their invitation to live together. I didn’t need a ring to know how much I loved them, but it was a symbol of their commitment to what we had.

“Now that you’re going to be our wife.” Kincaid slid his hand underneath my shirt. “I think we should start talking about what we’re going to do with all those extra rooms.”

“Well one of them is going to be a home office.” I gasped when he squeezed my breast.

“So that means we can have two kids before we have to move.” Donovan walked up and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. “Four if we make them double up.”

“Four?” My eyes opened wide. “I still have a job—you can’t turn me into a baby factory.”

“We’ll see how it goes.” Kincaid nodded and started pulling off my shirt.

Their lips were so intoxicating that it was hard to focus on anything else. We made our way to the bedroom and slowly undressed each other, savoring the anticipation as much as the touch. The rest of the unpacking was going to have to wait because our appetites craved something else before we could focus on that. Kincaid’s lips were seared to mine as soon as we crashed into the bed and Donovan pushed my legs apart as he started kissing his way up my thighs. I wasn’t going to argue if he wanted to give me a little bit of oral pleasure before things truly got hot and heavy. His tongue moved along my labia and then started to dance on my clit. It felt amazing. Every time we ended up in bed together, I seemed to get more turned on that the last time I got an opportunity to enjoy the two of them.

“Are you ready for this to be your forever?” Kincaid let his lips drift down to my neck.

“Yes.” I nodded quickly and looked at my engagement ring. “I definitely am.”

“Good.” Donovan lifted up and grinned. “I think it’s time we see if we can break our record for making you come—what are we at again?”

“I don’t even remember.” I gasped when his tongue returned to my clit.

Tags: Kelli Callahan Surrender to Them Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024