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Daddy's Best Friend

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The next morning

I wasn’t sure how Chrissy would react to her punishment. I considered going easy on her, but the need that burned in her eyes was too bright for me to ignore. I threatened her with real punishment, and she was drawn to it. The curiosity pulled her from the playful side of being spanked to the darker side of what she needed. I felt a shift in the dynamic when she started to cry. I pushed against her limit until I felt her break. I had never taken it that far, even when she deserved a spanking, but she was finally ready to face it. The girl that spent the night in my arms clung to me like I was the only thing left in the world. Maybe I was—in her mind.

I hope that isn’t something we have to repeat very often. I enjoy dominance, but that was too cerebral—it shattered her.

I woke up before Chrissy did and watched her sleep. She was so beautiful—a prize that was too pure for a man like me. I thought I would spank her, then let her apologize to me while she knelt at my feet and used her lips the way she did when we were by the pool. That wasn’t the right ending to our evening. The dynamic had shifted again. She needed her Daddy instead of the man who wanted to taste her flesh. That was the real line that had be drawn—one that I could finally see. There would be nights when she clung to me on an emotional level—and perhaps there would be one when our passion was fully ignited. She just wasn’t ready for that yet, and truthfully, neither was I.

“Good morning.” I smiled as she opened her eyes.

“I slept…” She blinked a couple of times. “I slept like a rock.”

“The peace that follows an emotional moment.” I nodded and pulled her closer. “Sometimes that feeling can be better than anything else in the world.”

“It really was…” She stared at me for a moment and then her eyes opened a little wider. “Oh god, I was—supposed to do something for you after we were done.”

“No.” I shook my head back and forth. “That wasn’t what you needed.”

“Yeah.” She exhaled sharply. “You’re right.”

We lay together in silence for a little while. My thoughts were twisted around the emotions running through my head. Finding a way to navigate through what we had was going to be difficult. There were needs that had to be satisfied and those needs weren’t always going to be sexual. The emotional connection was stronger than that. But, in the morning light—her need started to shift. The girl that needed to be punished was pushed to the side and saw the need for passion unfolding in her eyes. It started with a kiss—a gentle one at first—then I crushed her lips beneath mine. I wanted her so bad, but I couldn’t push if she wasn’t ready to give herself to me entirely. We kissed, teased and touched for nearly an hour—but we didn’t go further than that. That was all the moment called for, even though my body begged for more.

“Come with me.” I rolled to the side of the bed and extended my hand.

“Where are we going?” She looked up at me but gave me her hand.

I didn’t answer. The passion was there, but she was still vulnerable. She needed kindness more than lust. I had to show her that there was more to the Daddy she clung to than just a firm hand that delivered discipline. I ran a bath, removed the rest of her clothes, and helped her into the soapy water. I used a sponge to wipe away the remnants of the tears—and then massaged her scalp once the shampoo was in her hair. It was sensual but calming. Whatever chaos was in Chrissy’s head seemed to melt away as I took care of her. After the bath was over and she was dry, we cuddled on the bed again. She needed to be in my arms, and that’s exactly where I wanted her to be.

Later that day

“I guess we can’t stay in bed all day.” Chrissy rolled towards me. “I’m sure you have some work to do—and my computer is calling my name.”

“You’re ahead on your assignments.” I brushed a strand of her out of her eyes. “There’s nothing at the office that needs my attention.”

“Doesn’t your star client play today?” She chuckled under her breath. “You have to watch that game, right?”

“I don’t have to watch it. I can catch the highlights.” I shook my head back and forth. “I usually watch the college games on Saturday to scout future clients. The ones that play on Sunday are already on the books.”

“Makes sense I guess…” She nodded.

We stayed in bed for a little longer, then decided to get up so that we could eat. It was past time for breakfast, so we had an early brun

ch. We spent the rest of the day close to each other—on the couch, in the Jacuzzi, and we even took a nap later that afternoon. It was the first nap I had taken since I was a toddler. There were kisses and a few sparks of passion, but they never went beyond teasing. There were moments when I thought they would, but it wasn’t what either of us needed. I knew what was happening—maybe she did too. We were falling in love. The emotional connection was stronger than the fire that roared into lustful desire. Our souls were searing together and forming a bond that was stronger than any other dynamic that had existed up until that point. Consummating it wasn’t necessary—we would find our way back to that path when the moment was right.

“This has been—the best day…” She looked up at me when we made it back to the couch after dinner.

“I’ve enjoyed it too.” I pulled her into my arms.

“Last night was exactly what I needed.” She sighed as she settled into my embrace. “I think it helped me find my way past some lingering issues…”

“So, does that mean the bratty girl is locked away forever?” I looked down at her and smiled.

“No, not at all.” She looked up at me and a grin formed on the corner of her lips. “She has her place—and she knows what will happen if she gets out of line.”

“I’ll be ready to deal with her—when she comes back.” I pulled Chrissy closer and kissed her forehead.

“She’ll be back…” Chrissy sighed. “But—not tonight.”

We stayed on the couch until it was time for bed, and I led Chrissy to my bedroom. After spending one night with her in my arms, there was no way that I was sending her to bed alone. We had a little more kissing and teasing before we finally got to the point that we were both ready for sleep. I felt an immense happiness in my heart—a joy that had been hidden from me for quite some time. I was beyond falling—I was well past that. Whatever hesitation had remained was gone. There was no way that I was ever going to let Chrissy go. She was mine—the bad girl and the one who wanted to find her place in the world. One was a girl who needed her Daddy. The other was a woman who belonged in my arms. We would both find the balance that helped us navigate the future.

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