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Daddy's Best Friend

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A few days later

“Lauren, where are the scouting reports I asked for?” I peeked out of my office and looked at my assistant.

“They’re—in your email.” She turned her head towards me. “They’ve been there since yesterday.”

“Bloody hell.” I exhaled sharply. “I really have to get better at managing that.”

“Yes, but you’ve said that so many times I’ve given up.” She laughed and shook her head.

“A couple of these kids that are going to be ready to enter the draft are promising.” I leaned against the door frame. “Things might get busy around here if I’m able to sign a couple of them.”

“Sounds like you may need a bigger garage.” She raised her eyebrows slightly. “They seem to love buying you cars as a token of appreciation when they sign that first big contract.”

“And when they sign endorsements.” I nodded in agreement. “By the way, how are we looking on that? Is Under Armor still interested in the deal we met with them about?”

“Again—the report is in your email.” She rolled her eyes.

“Give me the highlights.” I waved my hand at her.

“They are still interested, but they made a counter-offer. You should decline and tell them that your client isn’t budging. They’ll pay it. They’re desperate after Nike sniped two of their biggest clients.” She shrugged. “Those are the highlights.”

“More than highlights—that’s an entire business strategy.” I chuckled and nodded. “Maybe they should be buying you a car.”

“I mean—if you’ve got a spare.” She grinned. “You’re letting the eighteen-year-old drive your damn Porsche.”

“Yeah…” I nodded. “She’s responsible though. I trust her.”

“I guess she hasn’t raided your liquor cabinet or threw a big party yet?” Lauren raised her eyebrows inquisitively.

“No, she’s—doing okay. Speaking of which, I need you to RSVP to the black-tie thing. I’ll have a plus one…” My words trailed off for a second.

“A—plus one?” Lauren narrowed her eyes. “And you said that after we talked about your new roommate, so…”

“She’s my plus one.” I connected the dots Lauren had already figured out. “She’s never been to an event with celebrities before.”

“Is there something going on that I should be aware of?” She tilted her head suspiciously. “You have seemed a little—happier recently.”

“I’m not having that discussion with you.” I shook my head and walked back into my office.

“She’s eighteen! Don’t forget that…” Lauren laughed and I thought she was going to finish by reminding me how old I was, but the phone rang.

Yeah, I’m too old for her but I don’t give a fuck anymore. I know what I want, and I know what she needs…

I loaded up my emails and started reading them while Lauren talked on the phone in the other room. After a few minutes—I realized that whatever conversation she was having seemed to be rather heated. It wasn’t uncommon for her to get tough with someone, especially if we were negotiating, but she usually called me in if they were being difficult. Her hushed tone and angry words finally drew enough of my attention for me to get up from my desk and walk to the door. She hung up the phone as I got there and when she turned around, I saw that her face was practically white—like the color had been drained completely.

“Lauren, what’s wrong?” I walked closer, feeling concern shoot through my veins.

“We’ve got a big fucking problem.” She exhaled sharply.

“Oh god, what did Ricky do this time,” I growled under my breath.

“Not Ricky—you.” She looked directly into my eyes. “Greyson, someone hacked your security cameras.”

“What—wait…” I blinked in surprise. “Oh my god.”

“Yeah. It’s some kind of fucking hacker group and they’re threatening to release the videos if you don’t pay them off.” She turned around and hit a button on her keyboard. “I don’t even want to open the files they emailed me, but they say there is enough in here to make you pay whatever they want…”

“Fuck. Forward me the email.” I walked back into my office.

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