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Daddy's Best Friend

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I watched my world crash down in front of me once I opened the email and confirmed there was no virus attached to it. My security cameras had definitely been hacked—and everything I had been doing with Chrissy was on full display. There were clips of me spanking her, clips of us naked in the house—and the worst was the video of us by the pool. It was a damn good thing I turned off the camera by her room—but the rest of it was enough for my stomach to twist into a knot. I was familiar with the hacker group. Even if they got paid off, there was no guarantee that the videos would be gone forever. A few celebrities had been hit and their videos got released even after they paid the price that was supposed to bury them.

“Yeah.” I shook my head angrily and looked up as Lauren walked into my office. “This is really bad.”

“I guess she’s more than a roommate, huh?” Lauren sat down across from me. “I was just teasing you about that…”

“It’s very complicated.” I exhaled sharply. “It’s about to get even more complicated too…”

“Let me make some calls.” Lauren sighed and looked down at her tablet. “After the big celebrity attack, there were rumors that a couple of celebrities were able to keep their stuff from getting released.”

“Really?” I raised my eyebrows in surprise. “How?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “The news only reported the stuff that actually got released. I remember Ricky mentioning something about it though…”

“If there’s any way to fix this—please let me know. I just—I need to get out of the office for a little bit.” I stood up and started walking towards the door.

I was terrif

ied. There was no other emotion to describe how I felt. I could endure being exposed. If I lost a few clients—hell, if I lost all of them—I had enough money to survive. I didn’t really give a shit if anyone saw my dick. Chrissy was the one that I was worried about. She would be identified fairly easily. Everyone she knew would see the videos. Her family would hear about them, even if they didn’t sit down and actually watch them. She would never be able to go to college without having people stare at her—and I could only imagine what her mother would have to say. She might even fly to California just so she could cut my cock off.

I used to check my shit daily to make sure things were secure—but I’ve been so distracted since Chrissy moved in. That may come back to haunt me.

I couldn’t go back to the office. I had Lauren cancel the rest of my meetings. The instant I got back to my house, I turned off all the security cameras in my house and ripped the plugs out of the wall. I wanted to rage—break something—so I settled for putting my fist through one of the television monitors. My hand started to bleed, but I didn’t care. I wrapped it in a towel and walked to the living room. There wasn’t a glass big enough for the drink I felt like I needed, so I just grabbed a bottle of Scotch. I was sitting in the dark with it in my hand when I heard the front door open.

Fuck, now I have to tell her…

“Greyson?” Chrissy walked to the doorway. “There was blood—are you okay?”

“Sit down…” I turned towards her and exhaled sharply. “We need to talk.”

“Did I do something wrong?” She turned on a lamp and her eyes immediately focused on the bloody towel wrapped around my hand. “Oh my god—let me see that.”

“No.” I pulled my hand away. “Sit down!”

“I’m—sorry?” She snapped her head back, but slowly sat down on the couch.

“I fucked up Chrissy—I really fucked up.” I lifted the bottle to my lips.

All I could do was tell her the truth. She had a stunned look on her face and then I saw tears in the corner of her eyes once the realization began to set in. I expected her to freak out—scream at me—tell me that I was an asshole for having cameras in the house that could record our intimate moments. Instead, she just listened to everything I had to say and crawled closer to me. Even after hearing that I could have destroyed her life, she still seemed concerned about my hand. She peeled the towel away and inspected it while I continued to drink.

“You may need stitches…” She gently pressed on the edge of the wound.

“I’m not going to the fucking hospital.” I shook my head back and forth. “There’s a First Aid kit in the bathroom. I’ll bandage it.”

“No, I’ve got it.” She took the towel and started to stand.

Chrissy cleaned my wound and washed away the blood. She was right—I probably did need stitches. I just didn’t give a fuck. It would definitely leave a scar if I didn’t get it fixed, but I had a few of those already. Chrissy used some liquid adhesive to get the wound closed and then bandaged it up so that I wouldn’t be able to squeeze my hand and tear open the seal she made. If I managed to keep it straight for a few days, it might actually heal without a trip to the hospital—provided I didn’t get an infection.

“I’m really sorry, Chrissy.” I exhaled sharply. “I never expected something like this to happen. I always checked my cameras regularly—obviously I shouldn’t have installed those fucking things to begin with.”

“It’s not your fault.” She lifted my arm and forced me to embrace her. “We’ll figure it out together. Lauren said there might be a way to stop them from getting released, right?”

“Yeah…” I sighed. “I just hope she’s right. I don’t want this to screw up everything you’ve worked for.”

“I have you…” She took my good hand and squeezed it. “That’s all I really need right now.”

I wish it was that simple…


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