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Daddy's Best Friend

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Greyson was in rough shape. I had never seen him look so defeated. It wasn’t because he was concerned about himself—he was concerned about me. Seeing that look on his face made my stomach twist into a knot—but it wasn’t because I was afraid of the video getting leaked. That certainly terrified me, but what made my stomach knot up was a harsher realization. I made a mistake—and it might have been my fault that his security cameras were hacked. It wasn’t something I did intentionally, but if what I feared was true—I knew who did it. I just didn’t know how to fix it before our world came crashing down around us.

Three days ago

“Chrissy!” I heard someone calling my name and turned to see Meghan walking towards me.

“Hey Meghan.” I smiled and turned in her direction. “Ready for another week of hiding in the back of the room?”

“Maybe…” She pulled her pack of cigarettes out of her purse. “I gotta burn one down before I go in there though—I’m barely awake this morning.”

“Did you go out last night?” I tilted my head inquisitively.

“Yeah, I might have.” She nodded and lit a cigarette. “You’re definitely going out with me next weekend!”

“Meghan…” I shook my head back and forth. “Look, I appreciate the offer, but that’s just not my thing.”

“Having fun isn’t your thing?” She raised an eyebrow and exhaled a stream of smoke.

“I—do like to have fun, but I’m just not interested in going to parties or getting wasted—that’s not my idea of fun.” I shrugged slightly.

It might have been at one time—but not anymore.

“Fine.” She rolled her eyes. “Well I’m not spending another weekend window shopping—I’m not in high school anymore.”

“I get it.” I sighed. “I’m going to head to class. I’ll see you in there.”

“You probably won’t.” She took another drag from her cigarette. “You’ll be too busy paying attention.”

It felt good to stand up for myself and tell Meghan that I wasn’t going to succumb to her version of peer pressure. I was tempted—but what ultimately shifted my perspective was the emotional release I had over Greyson’s knee. It was a hard spanking. It really hurt. But, despite that—it was exactly what I needed to navigate towards the future I wanted. I found the line between what my body craved and my breaking point. I doubted I would ever be free of my kinky desires or the need to call him Daddy, but I had found the balance. Being taken past my limit was enough to show me the way—and the path in front of me was beautiful.

So beautiful that I don’t need to embrace my bad girl side anymore—except when I’m with Greyson, because he knows how to handle her.

Several hours later

“You didn’t wait for me…” Meghan came running up after we finished our last class and I was almost to the parking lot.

“I figured you were upset.” I stopped and looked over at her. “You didn’t seem happy earlier.”

“Whatever…” She rolled her eyes. “If you don’t want to have fun, then I guess you can just be my lame friend.”

“I’m okay being lame…” I shrugged and pulled my keys out of my purse. “I’m focused on other things. I’m not judging you or anything. If you want to go out and party—do it. It just doesn’t interest me…”

“Yeah, I just wanted to hang out with you—I thought we could have fun. I’ll let you make it up to me.” She grinned.

“How?” I raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

“Let me drive your Porsche.” She grabbed the keys out of my hand before I realized what she was doing.

“Meghan, no!” I reached out for her, but she was already running towards the car.

“I’m not going to wreck it!” She clicked the button to unlock the door and was inside the car before I caught up.

“Seriously!” I pounded on the window. “This isn’t my car! I can’t let anyone drive it!”

“I’m driving it…” She pushed the key into the ignition and rolled down the window. “You can either get in or pray I bring it back.”

“Ugh!” I ran around to the passenger side and climbed inside. “Meghan, please—this is a really bad idea. If something happens to this car…”

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