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Chasing Her Curves

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“What do you think? I didn’t have any plans to dump you. You were one that dumped me.” I brought my lips up to his ear. “Another date and I would have probably gone to bed with you.”

“Oh god…” He moaned and then he started to stand.

Connor would have been my first if things would have worked out differently. It was shock to realize that and see how different both of our lives would have been if his brother hadn’t died. I would have stayed with him if it kept going as well as it was midway through the second date. He seemed to still have a fascination with me, even if we had been apart for some time. Angelina would have never brought Nate back to Bakersfield. I would have lived my life without meeting Devlin. Those experiences had shaped me and changed who I was at the core and each one of them was necessary for me to be in that moment with Connor—the moment when he needed me most.

“I feel like I’m dreaming.” Connor carried me to the bedroom and placed me on the bed. “It’s like I’ve been able to go back in time and grab the one thing I regretted most and bring it to the future.”

“If you don’t kiss me soon I’m going to find something else to wrap my lips around.” I reached out and squeezed his cock through his pants.

“That’s a very tough decision—I’m not good with those.” His lips twisted to a half-smile.

“Why don’t I do this while you kiss me?” I massaged the tender spot beneath his glans and he moaned.

“Good compromise.” He leaned forward on the bed until our lips collided together.

Connor was a very good kisser. I learned that on the first date. His lips set my body on fire when he finally let go of his inhibitions and started to really unleash his passion. His hands moved across my body until he was cupping my breasts. I kept his cock as hard as a rock in my hand, massaging it while he continued to keep my lips blazing with his desire. Our tongues ran together and twisted against the need inside us. I unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders. Connor had a tremendous physique and his tight muscles felt like I was touching a statue of a Greek god. He slid his hand under my shirt and pulled it over my breasts. Our lips were forced to part as it was tugged over my head. I released his cock and started unbuttoning his pants.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve felt anything as amazing as this.” He was practically panting as he spoke.

“Hopefully it’s about to get a lot better.” I grinned and pushed his pants down his hips.

We pulled at our clothes until every piece of fabric was on the floor beside the bed. Connor held me tight, kissing me as his hard cock pressed against my pelvis. He seemed to be happy just to have our lips together and a slow grind keeping the stimulation going. I shifted until his dick dropped down against my wetness. He started to enter me and I was forced to break the seal our lips had formed to exhale sharply. I was wet and tingling with desire, but it still took me a moment to adjust. The moment was so intense that I didn’t even think about protection until he was inside me. It was a risk, but the passion that had erupted between us could not be interrupted. I didn’t want to chance a moment away sending him back into the chaotic void that had threatened to consume him.

“You feel so good.” He groaned and bit down on his lip as my pussy began to squeeze his cock.

“I want you to fuck me until you explode.” I pulled him close and nibbled his ear.

Connor gave me several gentle thrusts as he slid into my pussy. It was still sore, but the pleasure overwhelmed the slight sensation of pain. Once he was buried inside me, his thrusts began to get faster. I felt the pleasure coursing through me as he slammed into my g-spot. His dick was longer than Nate or Devlin, but it wasn’t quite as thick. I didn’t feel quite as stretched as I did with Nate and the extra inches Connor had allowed him to stimulate my g-spot longer with every thrust. My body begged for more. I needed to feel his ravenous hunger consume me. His hips moved so fast that I felt the mattress bounce underneath us. The momentum pushed me into the springs and then I recoiled back against his pelvis as he speared me with his length.

“Keep going. That feels incredible!” I held on tight as his hips continued to crash into me.

The pressure was unbelievable as it built up inside me. Connor’s eyes raged with his unyielding desire. He looked stunning as he rose up and descended down against my skin. He was angelic and marvelous, turning me into the object of his lust. The pressure got stronger. I felt Connor’s cock beginning to throb. He was close and my muscles were starting to get tight. I was so close I could taste the sweet fervor that had brought us to this point. His impending release was the only thing that could quench the thirst inside me. My body was on fire and it felt like my flesh was melting into his as a thin sheet of sweat built between us.

“I’m gonna cum!” His eyes closed and his head rolled back.

“Don’t stop until every drop is inside me.” I ran my fingers through his hair and shifted my hips so that his throbbing cock was pressed against my g-spot.

The bomb ticking away inside him had a fuse that burned with unbelievable fury. I felt his pulsations start and then the detonation began to fill me with his seed. It spewed inside my pussy and the pressure I felt begged to meld with his lust. His ejaculation sent me over the edge until all I felt was bliss. My pussy spasmed and massaged his cock while he unloaded. The beginning of my orgasm made every muscle tighten. The release was incredible. I arched my back and lifted off the mattress for a moment before crashing back against it. I continued to orgasm as his desire filled me with his seed. When our combined pleasure subsided, I felt him slowly begin to withdraw and then he stretched out beside me.

“You’re unbelievable. You show up out of nowhere and for the first time manage to separate my mind from all of the things threatening to destroy me since my brother passed.” He let out a long sigh.

“And I’m not going anywhere.” I rolled over to face him. “We started something once that was interrupted. We have a second chance now—let’s not waste it.”

“Thank you.” He reached out and let his fingers graze my cheek. “Thank you so much.”

“You never have to thank me. I’m here for you. That’s all that matters.” I smiled and moved closer to him.

As Connor’s arms engulfed me, I found my thoughts drifting to the two men in Bakersfield. I cherished what I had with them, but there was no way I could leave Connor. I didn’t know anything about his family business, but I could be there for him when he needed me. Angelina said I had to walk all of the roads in front of me. Connor’s road was going to be longer than the one that took me to Nate, and less twisted than the one that took me to Devlin. If they found an intersecting point, or an eventual end, then we would deal with it. We would figure out what had to happen at that point. Nate promised he would be waiting on the other side of the abyss. I hoped he could wait. I had stared into Connor’s abyss—it stared back.

I needed Nate. I needed the confidence in myself that he offered. I needed Devlin. He was my dark desires pushed into the light. Connor needs me. How can I have it all when it pulls me in so many directions at the same time?

Sleep was impossible. Connor drifted away in our afterglow, but even though I was exhausted, I couldn’t find the solace that would let me rest. I walked to the window and stared out into the city of New York. It was so much busier than anything I was used to. My visits to Chicago had been rare, but it didn’t bustle with the same level of activity that I saw beneath me. It truly was a city that didn’t sleep. I was amongst the zombies as time ticked away. My job had been lenient with vaca

tion time when I said I needed to deal with things after my sister’s wedding. They weren’t going to be patient forever. Bakersfield felt like a lifetime removed and I had only been away for one day.

How can so much change so fast? How can a life I thought I was destined to have turn to ashes in an instant?

I looked back at Connor as he tossed and turned on the bed. He looked like he was troubled, even when he was sleeping. I dug my cell phone out of my purse and opened up my work email. I didn’t see any way that I could maintain my life in Bakersfield and be there for Connor. One night wasn’t going to fix him. I certainly wasn’t going to let him spiral towards an early death. I had no idea how I would fix him, but I was going to try. I quickly typed out an email to my boss, letting him know that I needed extended leave. There was a good chance it would result in him firing me, but it was a risk I would have to take.

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