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Chasing Her Curves

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Please forgive me, Nate. You came back for me after six years and now I’m the one that has to run. Devlin—I don’t even know what I would say if you were here right now. I abandoned you once and now it looks like I’m going to do it again…



“Ah, the elusive Angelina. We meet at last.” I walked into her suite as she opened the door.

“Sorry for all of the secrecy, I needed to preserve the moment. I trust your time with Harmony met your expectations?” Angelina walked over and started pouring drinks.

“It was a good beginning. I’ve learned not to push too hard the first time. It can send young submissive girls running.” I chuckled and took the glass of Scotch she offered.

“I suppose so.” Angelina nodded and sipped her drink. “Join me, let’s have a talk.”

I could still taste Harmony’s pain on the tip of my tongue. Even the Scotch wasn’t enough to erase it. The pain was a necessity after what she had done, and I was rather surprised to see how her body reacted to her first taste of submission. After having so many women balk before a session truly began, it was nice to find someone that craved their punishment. I didn’t like having my future with Harmony wound around Angelina’s finger. It took the control I cherished and put it in her hands. Angelina had cast a spell on Harmony and I wasn’t sure I could break it. Angelina sent my beautiful goddess to my arms and she could rip that away from me. After having a brief taste, I wasn’t ready to give up my prize easily.

“What do I have to do to convince you that Harmony belongs with me?” I stared at her as I took a seat.

“It isn’t that simple.” Angelina shook her head back and forth. “Harmony is a special girl, and she does need a man like you, but you have to realize you aren’t all she needs to prosper.”

“Why?” I narrowed my eyes. “She enjoyed her time with me. She’s naturally submissive. What is wrong with me?”

“Nothing at all.” Angelina sipped her gin and tonic before placing it on the table. “You’re perfect for her, but you were only one road she needed to walk down to reach her destination.”

“Her road led to me long ago. Across my knee was exactly where she needed to be. You may have put this in motion, but I’m here because I know what I want. I want Harmony.” I continued staring at Angelina and sipped my Scotch again.

“You’re not wrong, but you’re a dark fantasy. She does have natural tendencies, but they are only a part of the woman she truly is. You understand that, right? You’ve seen women believe they want the life, but only want it in the darkness.” She tilted her head to the side.

“Yes.” I exhaled sharply. “It’s annoying as fuck.”

“That’s the piece of yourself that you’re hanging up on. You want a perfect submissive woman that lives the life every waking hour of the day, but you’ve built that up in your head. What about when you go to work? What are they supposed to do, stay on their knees until you get home?” She reached for her glass. “It isn’t realistic.”

“So what are you saying?” I tilted my head and glared at her. “You think my expectations are not realistic?”

“I’m saying you need to open yourself up to new possibilities. Perhaps you can have the perfect woman you want in the darkness, but learn to cherish an entirely different world when the lights come on.” She nodded and smiled as she sipped her drink. “Don’t throw away an amazing opportunity. No one man is going to possess Harmony.”

“I don’t like to share.” I lifted my drink and continued to glare. “That isn’t the kind of man I am.”

“You currently have nothing but a dream. You’ve spent a lot of time looking, but you’ve always been blinded by your vision of what you believe you want. Think about it. You obviously don’t have to make a decision now.” She shrugged.

“Where’s Harmony? I’d like to see her again.” I leaned forward. “I’m fairly certain she wants to see me again as well.”

“She’s… away.” Angelina nodded. “I had to send her down another road and I’m about to send you down one of your own.”

“I’m done with these games.” I shook my head angrily. “Either she wants to be with me or she doesn’t. There is no in-between. I know what she needs and what she wants. I felt it.”

“You’re partially correct, but chapters open and chapters close. Another one had to open before she was truly ready. I promise it will make sense soon enough.” She nodded slowly.

“Enough with the riddles. Where is Harmony at? I’ll go get her myself.” I narrowed my eyes angrily.

“Wait here.” Angelina slowly stood to her feet. “I have someone I want you to meet. I’ll be back shortly.”

I continued glaring at Angelina as she walked to the door and left. I didn’t like games. I had enough of it with women that thought they wanted to submit but learned it wasn’t what they thought. Harmony was the kind of woman I needed. She enjoyed it, even when it was punishment. Her wet pussy begged for more while she was over my knee, and when my finger was inside her, she erupted in a volcano of bliss. I had to make her mine. I didn’t care what Angelina thought. There was no way that she could bring me to the threshold of everything I had ever wanted and yank it away. If she thought I was that kind of man, she was sorely mistaken.

She thinks she’s clever, but she has no idea who she’s messing with.



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