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Seven Soulmates

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“See, now you’re into it.” He slapped my ass and started fucking me even harder.

I never imagined myself actually craving a man’s cock in my asshole. The way it felt was so different from the other sensations I experienced with him that it made me want to feel the muted orgasm. I could tell it was going to be a struggle, but I didn’t care. The sensation heightened as he continued to thrust himself inside me and then I felt the pressure building. It was an incredible feeling. Each time he went deep inside my asshole, I felt my body begging for it again. When the orgasm finally reached the edge of bliss, I felt his cock starting to throb. He drove it inside me one final time and it pulsated as his hot cum erupted inside my ass. I orgasmed while he unloaded, feeling myself succumbing to the pleasure I desired.

“I’m one hundred percent on board with being your soulmate.” Miguel collapsed on the mattress beside me. “You have an appetite that rivals mine. You loved every single filthy thing I could think of to do to you.”

“Oh? Was that everything?” I looked over at him and smiled.

“You’re a dirty girl, Violet.” He wrapped his arm around my waist. “I like that.”

Chapter 11: Gary

Two month ago

“Just take your stuff and go. There’s no way I can marry you after you cheated on me.” I sat down on the edge of my bed and watched as the woman who was days away from being my bride started packing her suitcase.

“If you were a real man, I wouldn’t have had to hook up with my ex-boyfriend.” She grabbed a handful of clothes and tossed them onto the bed.

“I’ve always loved you, Wendy.” I fought back tears. “I did everything I could for you, and we could have been happy together.”

“I need to be fucked, not loved.” She walked to her underwear drawer and started tossing her panties towards the bed next to her clothes.

I knew it was the last fight I would have with Wendy. She had tested my patience since the day we started dating, but I had fallen head-over-heels in love with her. Technically, it was just lust at first, but it was so good that I wanted to marry her. It was a whirlwind romance and I put a ring on her finger after only knowing her for three months. Once she got the ring, things started to change. She got more demanding, wanted me to buy her things we couldn’t afford, and when I didn’t do that, she went to bed facing the wall. I delayed the wedding after I saw a shift in her personality, but I did everything I could to make it work, even maxing out all of my credit cards.

“Hey, Sammy.” I smiled when my dog came running into the room and hopped up on the bed. “I guess it is just you and me again.”

“Like hell it is.” Wendy reached over and snatched Sammy up, causing him to yelp. “Sammy is my dog.”

“He is not!” I stood up and shook my head. “Sammy has been with me a lot longer than we’ve been together!”

“Then I guess you’ll just have to let the judge figure it out.” She slung Sammy over her shoulder and grabbed her suitcase. “I’m taking you to the cleaners in this divorce.”

“What? We’re not even married! You are not going anywhere with Sammy.” I ran to block the door.

“Oh god, stop hitting me, Gary!” Wendy slapped herself so hard that her head spun and Sammy yelped again. “Gary, please!”

“Wendy, what the fuck is wrong with you?” I blinked in surprise.

“Think about the baby!” She punched herself in the stomach. “Our poor precious baby.”

“You’re not pregnant!” My jaw fell open in shock. “You’re fucking crazy!”

“Explain that to the cops.” She pushed past me and started dialing on her cell phone. “911? Help! He’s trying to kill me!”

My relationship with Wendy ended with an earthquake of destruction. The police arrested me in front of my house while she wailed about all of the abuse she endured at my hands. I sat in jail for several days before my lawyer came and told me what my options were. I could stand trial and try to prove my innocence, which he didn’t recommend, or I could try and bargain with Wendy. Her lawyer was quick to respond. She would sign an agreement stating I never laid a hand on her if I gave her my house, my car, and everything in my bank account. It was blackmail, plain and simple, but my lawyer said that it would be hard to prove. He compared my deal to what politicians and famous people paid to shut up their victims and make stories go away—except Wendy was no victim.

“What about Sammy?” I looked at my lawyer with tears in my eyes as I stared at the document. “I want my dog back—he’s been with me since he was a puppy. Wendy doesn’t care about him.”

“Her lawyer said that Sammy stays with her. I’m sorry, Gary.” He sighed and tapped the document. “This is the only deal you’re going to get.”

I was done for. My life was in ruin. I lost my job while I sat in jail because the company had a zero-tolerance policy for domestic violence. I lived in a homeless shelter for several weeks until I got another job. It was manual labor doing construction, where they didn’t care if you went home and beat your significant other as long as you came to work in the morning. I settled into a shitty apartment in the ghetto where I drank myself to sleep every night, sobbing until I had nothing left in my body to cry out. One night, when it felt like everything was lost, I called Wendy for the first time since everything had happened.

“Wendy?” I heard the phone on the other end pick up. “It’s Gary.”

“What the fuck do you want?” Her tone was harsh.

“I just want to know that Sammy is okay.” I sniffled like a child, slurring over my words as I spoke.

“Sammy’s not doing so good, Gary.

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