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Seven Soulmates

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” Her tone was still harsh. “I think I’m going to have to put him down.”

“No!” I screamed into the phone. “Don’t do that! I’ll take him back!”

“I’m his mommy now and I have to do what is best for him. I’m sure you understand.” Her words sent me into a rage and my whole body started to shake. “Although, if you came up with say, fifty thousand dollars? I’m sure I could find it in my heart to let him come home.”

“You wiped me out, you bitch!” I continued screaming into the phone. “You took everything I had!”

“Then how are you going to take care of Sammy? It’s probably best if I just put him down.” She sighed. “I’ll give you a few weeks to come with the money. You were always so resourceful when I wanted something.”

The phone clicked. I knew it was over for Sammy. Wendy had made good on every threat and there was nothing I could do to stop her. I became a zombie, drinking even more than I usually did, to the point that I didn’t even eat. I got off work one day and realized I didn’t even have enough in my pocket for a cheap bottle of booze. I sat on the curb until the other workers had left for the day and walked back to the site. I found a long piece of rope and slung it over my shoulder. I was tired of life. I was tired of the shit hand I was dealt. I walked back to my apartment, fashioned a noose out of length of rope and tied it to the bar in the closet. I hoped it would be strong enough to hold me until I was gone.

I’m sorry, Sammy. I’m sorry I couldn’t save you from that wretched woman.

I had the noose around my neck when the phone rang. I considered ignoring the call, but something inside me demanded that I take the last call of my life. The man on the other end of the line introduced himself as Ethan Prince, and asked why I had never tried the Soulmate app. I thought it was a telemarketer at first, but then I heard his offer. If I would come to New York and meet the woman who had been identified as my soulmate, he would give me a hundred thousand dollars. I only cared about half of that money—the half that would get Sammy back. I hung up the phone and immediately called Wendy. She was delighted to hear that she was going to get paid, but not as happy as I was knowing I would have Sammy back.

Well, at least I kept one good suit for the job interviews I never got.


“Hey, can I talk to you for a minute.” Ethan Prince approached me when I walked to the bar and started refilling my drink.

“Yeah, of course.” I turned to him and nodded.

“I’m taking a chance on you. I did background checks on everyone before I brought them here, and I saw that you recently got arrested.” He narrowed his eyes at me. “I believe in Violet’s algorithm, but if you ever raise a hand to her...”

“No—hell no.” I shook my head back and forth rapidly. “I made a mistake, but it wasn’t hurting the woman I was going to marry. It was believing she was the right person for me in the first place.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” He nodded. “So, why didn’t you ever use the Soulmate app? Did you not believe in it?”

“Honestly?” I sighed and sipped my drink. “I thought I had my soulmate—or at least I believed she was. After we split up, there were complications, and I never even considered looking for someone else. I was just trying to keep my head on my shoulders.”

“It’s tough out there.” Ethan smiled and nodded again. “I took care of your problem, by the way.”

“My—problem?” I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

“Yeah, like I said, I did background checks. I had my legal team do a little research and your ex-girlfriend’s lawyer was very quick to mention that you were supposed to be depositing fifty thousand dollars in her account to get your property back.” He reached out and put his hand on my shoulder. “I took care of that. Sammy is currently staying a pet resort waiting on you. I have pictures if you’d like to see.”

“You’re serious?” I felt emotions flooding through me and my eyes teared up.

“Yep, here.” He pulled out his phone. “Look how happy he is.”

It was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. Sammy was running in a large fenced in yard, playing with other dogs, and tearing through an assortment of toys. He was skinnier than he was when Wendy took him, but he looked happy. I felt an enormous weight lift off my chest in an instant. I was so worried that I wouldn’t get the money to Wendy in time that I had been distracted since I walked into the house. I just wanted to take my money and run. Ethan’s generosity was incredible.

“I arranged something special for you tomorrow. Violet wants to spend some time getting to know you, and I arranged for my private jet to take you back to Madison Grove. She’s going with you.” Ethan picked up a bottle and refilled my drink.

“We’re leaving?” I lifted my glass and sipped my whiskey.

“Just for one day. I’m sending one of my bodyguards along for the ride, because as nice as you seem to be, Violet means everything to me. I have to take precautions.” He shrugged and lifted his glass to his lips. “I don’t want you to be distracted with everything that happened before you came here, and I know Violet would love to meet Sammy.”

“This is... more than I ever imagined.” I stared at my glass. “It’s so generous.”

“If you really are one of Violet’s soulmates, then we’re going to be family.” He clasped his hand on my shoulder again. “I would do anything for family.”

I felt true peace when I returned to my chair. I had no idea if Violet really was my soulmate. I wasn’t even sure I believed in love anymore. All I cared about was the shaggy haired dog waiting for me back in Madison Grove. The money Ethan was going to give me for making the trip would get me a nice place with a fenced in yard so that I could give Sammy a good life. That was all that truly mattered. When I retired to my room for the evening, I could hardly sleep. Violet was incredibly beautiful and I definitely wanted to spend time with her, but getting to see Sammy again was at the forefront of my thoughts.

Thank god I never tightened that noose.

Chapter 12: Violet

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