Seven Soulmates - Page 4

“I should probably consult with my lawyer.” She stared at the table.

“This offer expires the moment I leave here. Either take it and come work for me, or you can go to trial.” I put my hand into my jacket and and pulled out a stack of folded forms. “Your signature earns your freedom.”

Violet was as lovely as her photographs. She made my dominant personality flare. The only thing I could think about was taking the orange jumpsuit off and punishing her the way she needed to be punished. She didn’t need prison, she needed discipline. As much as her curves interested me, the app I was working on was more important than either of us. It was going to change the world. I watched as she scanned the forms and when I offered her a pen, she quickly signed her name on the bottom line. It was settled. She was mine—at least, she was my employee. I took the forms, left the room, and made a call to Agent Danvers.

“Let her go, but make sure she ends up in my car when she leaves the station.” I smiled and ended the call.


Violet created the framework for the app and initial algorithm so fast that I thought she would have a prototype in no time. I was already considering offering her a full-time position on the team when she was done. But, then things started to take a turn for the worse. She couldn’t get the algorithm to link people together correctly. It would have been fine as a dating app, but I was trying to help people find their soulmates. It had to be flawless. I had tried every form of motivation that worked with my other employees, but the one thing I couldn’t threaten her with was termination. The contract was simple. Her freedom in exchange for a working prototype. All charges would be dropped.

Damn it, Violet. I don’t want to send you to prison.

I left her with a warning, which I knew she didn’t understand. I felt like she had given up and had no motivation to keep going. She had hit a brick wall and couldn’t find a way around it. The key was in her mind—I just knew it was. There was nobody on my team that could create an algorithm that complex, so if she failed, the project would be done. I would have to start over from scratch and put a fresh coat of paint on an older app to dazzle my investors. I gave her one last chance to show progress, and I fully intended to carry through with my threat if she didn’t deliver what she promised.

This is the last chance I’ll have to get through to her. If this doesn’t work, I’ll have to call Agent Danvers.

I looked down at Violet’s beautiful body draped across my knee. I had fantasized about spanking her several times since she had arrived, but I never imagined it would actually happen. Unfortunately, it had shifted from a fantasy to necessity. I didn’t know how else to get through to her and it was my last resort. Scorched earth was normally my policy when it came to failure, but with Violet I was going to make an exception—I was going to try a scorched ass approach first. I hoped it would provide the motivation she needed to develop the prototype that would keep her out of prison.

Chapter 3: Violet

My stomach was in knots and I felt more vulnerable than I ever had before when I felt Mr. Prince’s knee under my stomach. I was always the good kid growing up. I didn’t get in trouble. My teen years weren’t spent rebelling like a lot of my friends. I was busy with my schoolwork, keeping my nose clean, and tinkering with computer programs. They had always fascinated me and it wasn’t until I got to college that I first discovered hacking. I knew a lot about it, but I wasn’t brave enough to try it on my own until I took a security class. After that, I became rather fascinated with it. My fascination had taken me to some interesting places, but it had never gotten me into any trouble until I stumbled into the PrinceSoft security system.

“This is meant to be a motivational spanking—motivational enough that you never want to end up in this position again.” Mr. Prince slid his fingertips into the waistband of my pajama pants.

“What are you doing?” I looked over my shoulder in a panic.

“Giving you some proper motivation.” He landed a firm smack on the seat of my pajamas.

Before I even realized what was happening, my pajama pants were stripped from my ass. I quickly realized that Mr. Prince was going to do more than simply spank me, he was going to humiliate me in the process. He grabbed my panties and with a quick tug, they were around my knees with my pajama pants. I felt my face blushing as I thought of the billionaire looking down at my naked ass. I had never been naked in front of a man before, and even though my clothes were still technically on my body, I was more exposed than I had ever been in my life. His hand lifted and then a sharp cracking sound rang out through my apartment. I heard it before I felt it, but then a sting started to spread across my ass. Before I even had a chance to process the sound and the sensation, another smack came down that was even harder.

“Ow!” I kicked my feet, feeling my pajama pants slipping down to my calves.

“I don’t accept failure.” He emphasized his point with a stinging smack. “I expect perfection and I get it.”

I took several smacks before I felt my fight-or-flight response start to kick in. I threw a hand back to try and stop him from landing his hand again. He grabbed my wrist with his free hand and bent my arm at the elbow. It was quickly pinned to the small of my back where I couldn’t move it and the spanking continued. The sting got worse as his hand rained down on my unprotected flesh. The reality of the situation started to sink in. I was being spanked by one of the richest men in the world. It might have been hot if I wasn’t the one on the receiving end of his punishing palm. All of the times I had heard my friends joke about wanting someone to spank them made me seriously question if they had ever actually been on the receiving end of one.

“Ouch! I’m sorry, Mr. Prince!” I kicked my feet more, which sent my pajama pants to my ankles. “I try harder, I promise!”

“I don’t want you to try harder.” He brought his hand crashing down. “I want you to succe


As his hand continued to fall, I started running through algorithms in my head. I was trying to block out the pain with my thoughts—any thoughts. I saw the code in front of my eyes, spiraling down on the screen. I had no idea where I went wrong with it, but I regretted not testing a few of the ideas I had in the back of my head. I just needed one idea to stick. I just needed the algorithm to work once. That would earn my freedom and avoid a second trip across his knee. I felt more motivated than I had since I started working on the app. The only thing on my mind was success. The stakes had gotten higher. I wasn’t just going to prison if I failed. I was going to be spanked weekly until I either figured out what was wrong with the algorithm and if I still couldn’t come with an answer, then I was going to prison.

“I will succeed! I swear I will!” I squirmed on his lap and kicked my feet so hard my pajama pants landed on the floor and my panties hung around one ankle.

“I almost believe you.” His tone was flat and the spanking didn’t slow down. “I’m starting to hear the same determination I heard when you first started working on this project.”

I hadn’t heard that determination myself in a long time. The voice in my head had gotten the best of me. Deep down, I knew I had given up. The stinging smacks were a quick reminder that it wasn’t an option. I definitely didn’t want to go to prison. Perhaps I had just gone stir crazy from being trapped in my apartment all day, even if it was a palace compared to the house I grew up in. My ass started to burn after several minutes of agony and when I peeked over my shoulder, I saw that it was a bright shade of red, bouncing underneath each skin-scorching smack. My dignity and modesty were no longer a concern. My legs flailed wildly and I didn’t care that he was getting a clear view of my pussy. I just wanted the spanking to stop.

“Mr. Prince, I won’t fail you! I promise!” I twisted in his grasp, but he held me tight.

“If you end up across my knee again, it won’t just be for a motivational spanking.” He reiterated his point with several hard smacks in the center of my ass. “I’ll make sure you remember your failure every time you sit down.”

“Yes sir!” I squealed and nodded.

The spanking continued for a little longer as he kept the fire on my ass burning until it was a raging inferno. I felt tears welling up in my eyes and they started to stream down my face. I knew I deserved to be spanked. Being across his knee had done more for my motivation than sleep and Red Bull ever had. When his hand slowed to a stop, I couldn’t wait to get back in my computer chair, even if I had to sit on a bag of ice while I worked. I wanted to try every idea that I ignored. I was even ready to rewrite the entire algorithm from scratch if that was what it took. I wiped the tears from my eyes and started to stand, reaching for my pajama pants as I did.

Tags: Kelli Callahan Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024