Mr. B.F.D. - Page 34

f the highest paid players in Texas swarming around me like I was the only girl in the bar. One drink turned into several and I started getting buzzed. None of them left. In fact, I started attracting more guys as the drinks kept flowing. In addition to the three that had already started, three other guys from the team joined in. One was a dark eyed guy named Chad Watson who played multiple positions, one was a veteran safety named Hank Smith, and the other was a kicker named Joe Rollins—he was Matt’s brother. My head was spinning from the attention and from the drinks. I wasn’t sure which one was stronger, but it seemed like a constant stream of sexual innuendos and none of them even had the hint of jealousy. I was surprised it didn’t break out into a brawl considering my experience with having the attention of more than one guy in the past.

“I need to run to the restroom.” I sat my latest drink down and hopped off the barstool.

“Don’t stay gone too long.” Matt let his hand graze mine as I walked past.

“She’ll be back.” Jerrod laughed. “She still has to choose one of us to take her virginity.”

“Maybe she likes us all.” Hank slapped my ass as I walked past and the group laughed.

Yeah that’s a problem—I do like them all. They’re all wonderful in their own way and having this much attention is incredible. Matt brought me to the dance though and it would be a little unfair to go home with someone else, so if it ain’t him, I probably need to go home alone.

I’m not sure that is going to be possible.

Tags: Kelli Callahan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024