Seven Beasts (Haremworld) - Page 67

“Sure, why not.” She shrugged. “I’ve been there before.”


Chapter 3: Mia

A date with Matt freaking Rollins? Yes, please!

Making the cheerleader squad for the Texas Cowboys was a dream come true. I never imagined standing on the sidelines at a Nationwide Football League game, much less actually being a cheerleader at one. I certainly didn’t anticipate being invited to a private party by Matt Rollins, a first round draft pick that was about to become the biggest star in the Lone Star state. I had watched him at practice. He was a beast. He wasn’t the first player on the team to invite me out for a date, but he was the first one that didn’t suggest the date start

at his place or a luxury hotel. One of the cheerleaders found out I was a virgin when I said I didn’t use tampons because they hurt. After that spread through the locker room like wildfire, it seemed like I got a lot of attention from guys who wanted to lay claim as the one who conquered my virginity.

Okay, here goes. My first private party.

It was strange walking into the Lone Star Pub for a private party after being there with my work colleagues so many months before. The job at Texas Pride Accounting felt like a distant memory. The pub was packed with players, a few cheerleaders, and a ton of girls I didn’t know. It seemed like there were three girls for every guy. Most of them were wearing a lot less revealing attire than the black dress I had chosen for the occasion. I scanned the bar quickly, looking for any sign of Matt, but I didn’t see him in the crowd. I pushed my way through a group of girls that were hovering around the star quarterback, Jerrod Grant, and got a drink from the bartender. I was surprised to find out it was free. Apparently, the players were paying for everything and having a bunch of liquored up girls with no limit on their tab was the best route to getting what they wanted. Jerrod left the group of girls and leaned on the bar next to me.

“Damn, Mia. You look hot in that dress.” He ran his finger down my arm. “Did you come with anyone or are you fair game?”

“Matt asked me to come.” I looked over at him and smiled.

“Matt Rollins? Damn, that dude hits like a truck. He’ll destroy that virgin pussy of yours.” He laughed.

He’s not very subtle.

“We’re just going to hang out.” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Right.” His laughter turned to a chuckle. “You shouldn’t get with a guy like him your first time. You need someone who can go the distance, play the whole game, and make sure you can walk tomorrow.’

Nope, not subtle at all.

“I guess that was your way of offering?” I shook my head with a slight laugh.

“I know how to hit the target, baby. I won’t jackhammer you until you’re dead. I’ll take it slow.” His finger drifted up my arm again. “I’ll make you quiver. It’ll blow your mind.”


“Don’t listen to that jackass.” Another player stumbled up to the bar. It was our star running back, Roger Young. “It you want a man that can find the hole—every hole—you need to go home with me.”

“You know you ain’t shit unless I give you the ball, so piss off.” Jerrod pushed him playfully.

“Are these guys bothering you, miss?” I heard Matt’s voice and I turned to see him approaching.

“Uh oh.” Jerrod shook his head. “Her boyfriend’s here.”

“Boyfriend?” Roger smirked and turned to Matt. “Matt ain’t looking for love, he’s just looking for a fuck.”

“If I was just looking for a fuck, I’d take you to the bathroom and get my rocks off—little man.” Matt towered over the smaller running back.

“I told you baby.” Jerrod patted my arm. “He’s a jackhammer.”

I had never been the center of attention before. It was almost intoxicating to have three of the highest paid players in Texas swarming around me like I was the only girl in the bar. One drink turned into several and I started getting buzzed. None of them left. In fact, I started attracting more guys as the drinks kept flowing. In addition to the three that had already started, three other guys from the team joined in. One was a dark eyed guy named Chad Watson who played multiple positions, one was a veteran safety named Hank Smith, and the other was a kicker named Joe Rollins—he was Matt’s brother. My head was spinning from the attention and from the drinks. I wasn’t sure which one was stronger, but it seemed like a constant stream of sexual innuendos and none of them even had the hint of jealousy. I was surprised it didn’t break out into a brawl considering my experience with having the attention of more than one guy in the past.

“I need to run to the restroom.” I sat my latest drink down and hopped off the barstool.

“Don’t stay gone too long.” Matt let his hand graze mine as I walked past.

“She’ll be back.” Jerrod laughed. “She still has to choose one of us to take her virginity.”

“Maybe she likes us all.” Hank slapped my ass as I walked past and the group laughed.

Tags: Kelli Callahan Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024