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Casual Affair

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Holy shit.

Was he about to kiss her, or something?

Should she let him?

On a scale of one to ten, exactly how big of a slut would she be if she let him take her right here on the grass?

That’s a big fat ten right there.

You couldn’t get more unprofessional than that.

Not that she cared at the moment. So she remained in place, waiting for his next move. And just as she was about to make it easier on him and lean back against the nearest tree…he walked right past her. And kept going.

“Ah, yes,” he mused, sounding satisfied. His back was to her as he continued farther into the trees. “This is much better.”

Because you no longer have an ass to ogle?

Although, now she did. As a matter of fact, his was a very toned, very tight ass, all there for her ogling pleasure. The cargo pants he wore pulled enough that those firm muscles were clearly defined through the material as he moved through the wooded area, his movements sleek and fluid like a panther’s.

God, she’d always had a thing for butts.

And Zane Price had one that she just wanted to sink her teeth into.

Yes, this position is much better, thank you.

The sight helped to quash her fleeting disappointment that he hadn’t touched or kissed her.

All of sudden, he paused and bent over to tie his shoe. Unable to peel her eyes away, she stood there transfixed, embarrassingly aware that she was gawking like a mindless idiot.

But come on. It was like eye candy for the horny mind.

Naturally, that was the moment he glanced over his shoulder and caught her staring—exactly as he’d been busted only moments before. He had so done that on purpose. She tore her gaze away and felt her cheeks go up in flames.

Of course, he burst into laughter. The jerk.

“Sorry, luv,” he said between chuckles. “Did you need a moment to collect your thoughts? All about business, I’m sure.”

With as much dignity as she could muster, she crossed her arms over her chest and stared him down. “You know, where I come from, it’s not polite to address a lady’s embarrassment.”

His laughter died, though the glint in his eyes remained. “And just where is it you’re from?”

“The South. Alabama to be exact. Men down there actually have manners. You could learn a thing or two from them. Aren’t you Brits supposed to be, like, extra polite or something? Gentlemanly, and all that?”

He huffed, a gleam forming in his eyes that she couldn’t quite put a name to. “I can be a regular Prince Charming when properly motivated. Although, if we’re already assigning pet names, I’m partial to being called Master. Lord Sexy Pants also has a nice ring to it.”

She wanted to roll her eyes, but a short laugh escaped instead. “Are you always this insufferable?”

He cocked his hip to the side, looking more attractive than any man had the right to be. “I prefer to think of it as charismatic.”

“I’m sure you do,” she drawled, her southern accent coming out in full force. “But maybe we should at least try to keep things professional. This is a job interview, after all.” And as much fun as she was having with him, it was never a good idea to flirt with clients. Or potential clients.

Okay, maybe she’d flirted a little with this one. But she definitely wouldn’t let it go any further than that. Getting personally involved with a client was at the very top of her list of things never to do.

Followed closely by running a half marathon the day after a Cinco de Mayo pub crawl. True story. Tequila es el diablo.

“Not really an interview,” he said, surprising her. He thrust his arms out. “Does this look like an office?”

She glanced around, taking in the surrounding trees. “No.”

He waved down at his body. “Does this look like a business suit?”

He probably looked damn fine in a tailored suit.


He lifted his paintball gun, tipping the barrel toward her. “And this bloody well isn’t a briefcase. Professionalism isn’t exactly one of my strong suits. It’s just us out here. No interview. No discussing projects or expenses. Just me and you talking and having fun.”

That confused her a bit. “Then, how do you know if I’m the right fit for the job?”

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