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Casual Affair

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A look suddenly took over his whole face. It was something…naughty…and maybe a little dark. “I have my ways.”

Oh, boy. Time to bring the conversation back on neutral ground. She pushed past him, once again taking the lead, with him close on her heels.

“Paxton Designs doesn’t just do residential projects, by the way,” she said, needing to get her mind back on track. “We have a pretty extensive commercial property portfolio, as well.”

His deep chuckle set the hairs on the back of her neck on end.

“I’m aware. I did my homework.”

Of course he did. One didn’t get to be COO without being thorough.

“Without knowing the exact layout of the building—” she began.

“Not an interview, remember?” he said, cutting her off. “No work talk. This isn’t your sales pitch.”

Okay. But she had no idea what else to talk about if work was out of the question.

“What do you like to do for fun, Beatrice? May I call you that?”

She hated her full name.

“Of course.” She took a deep breath. Okay, simple conversation. She could do this. “Um. Well, I like running. And…” Wow, she actually had to think about it for a second. “And playing sports when I can. Going out dancing with my friends. Antiquing with my sister. I just like to be active, I guess. I’m not one of those people who can spend all day binge-watching Netflix. I’d go insane.”

His rich laugh sounded by her ear. He’d moved closer, reaching up to move a branch out of her way when she almost clotheslined herself on it.

“I agree,” he replied. “I prefer sports, too.” Another moment of silence passed, then, “You like to dance, huh?”

Had she imagined that drop in his voice? “Yeah, I do.”

He made some sort of humming noise in his throat. “Got a favorite place you like to go in the city?” She looked back at him questioningly, and he grinned. “I’m still relatively new here. Some suggestions would be nice.”

Ah. She thought maybe there’d been an ulterior motive in the question. Damn. “Well, I like Sapphire, over on—”

She choked over her next words, sucking in a breath as she tripped on a big rock hidden by leaves. Oh, shit. She felt herself plunging toward the ground and prepared for the impact. But instead of the sharp bite of dirt and gravel on her hands, she felt a strong arm wrap around her waist, keeping her upright.

“Whoa there.”

He pulled her back against his hard chest, his warm breath tickling the skin below her ear. “You okay?”

She couldn’t even remember what had happened before he grabbed her. She just nodded, muttering, “Fine,” and silently reveling in the feel of him wrapped around her. The musky, spicy smell of him permeated her senses, the effects making her dizzy.

His arm tightened. “Falling for me already, huh?” he whispered in her ear.

She swallowed thickly as she felt him bury his nose in her hair, and heard him breathe in deeply. She closed her eyes and imagined turning around and giving in to her sudden, irrational desire for him. Allowing her primal instincts to take over her sensible logic.

“You know that professionalism we talked about?” she murmured.


She stepped regretfully out of his arms. “We both really need to work on that.”

She turned around and instantly wished she hadn’t. The look on his face emanated blatant, raw lust from every one of his features—his pursed lips, his tight jaw, his darkened eyes as they roved down her body and paused on her heaving chest.

Damn. Why was she breathing so hard? And popping out with beads of sweat? It wasn’t that hot outside.

He looked like he wasn’t faring much better as he stood watching her intently. His body remained tense for a few more seconds, then slowly his limbs began to loosen and that annoying grin reappeared on his face.

“I will if you will,” was all he said before brushing past her to take the lead again.

For the rest of their journey through the woods, her thoughts were all over the place. They didn’t touch again, and kept conversation neutral until they reached a clearing in the trees. The opening was exactly where she’d said it would be, hidden behind the hill directly in front of them, providing a clear shot at the other team.

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