Mr Spencer (Mr. 2) - Page 226

I smile softly.

“To be honest, I think he was impressed with Spencer, too, although he would never let on.” He winks. “Nobody will ever be good enough for you in his eyes.”

“I don’t want to be a fool for anyone,” I whisper. “I’m not stupid and I’m not blind.”

He smiles and leans forward to kiss my forehead. “I know, darling, and I know that deep down, you know I’m right. Step back, take your time, and breathe. If he loves you and does the right thing by you, you have my blessing. I hope that he proves Edward and I wrong in every way. I want to see you happy. More than anything, I want you to be happy.”

I smile.

“It isn’t a race, Charlotte. If he loves you, he will wait.”

I nod. “I know.”

His eyes hold mine and I know there’s more.

“What is it?” I ask.

“What have you been doing with your security while I’ve been away?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, have you been clocking them off at night?”

I drop my head.

He puts his finger under my chin and brings my face to his. “What have I told you about that, Charlotte?”

“Well, I don’t need them at night when I’m at home in Nottingham,” I argue.

“Our estate is completely enclosed. We have guards there at all times. They don’t need to stay at your door because they are patrolling the grounds every minute. Nobody can get in. Edward watched the security tapes last night, and Wyatt and Anthony have been at the bar of your hotel on most nights.”

“I told them I didn’t need them anymore. It wasn’t their fault. They stay close.”

“Do you understand how vulnerable you are? Why would you put yourself at risk like that? I trusted you to do the right thing, and here I find out you are dismissing your guards mid-shift so they can go to a bar?”

I roll my eyes.

“Don’t roll your eyes at me, young lady. You’ve been very irresponsible.”

“No, Dad, I just fell in love.”

“Love is one thing, Charlotte. Stupidity is another.” He stands. “You are a target because of me. You have four billion dollars in the bank. Take the security threat seriously. I’ve brought four more guards with me to leave with you. You will not be photographed with Spencer Jones at all from now on. They’ve been instructed to take the cameras off of anyone who tries. I will not have you become a trashy tabloid heading… not under any circumstances.”

I exhale heavily, knowing this is non-negotiable. “Okay.”

“Now.” He smiles down at me. “Where on earth is my tea? You really are a terrible host.”

* * *

It’s just gone six in the evening when Spencer walks in, and my nerves tumble around in my stomach.

I’m in the kitchen cooking dinner. His face lights up when he sees me, and he smiles broadly.

“Hello, my beautiful girl.”

I practically run and jump into his arms and we kiss slowly. “I’ve missed you today,” I whisper.

He holds me tight. “Why are there a load of guards in the hall?”

Tags: T.L. Swan Mr. Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024