33Unsafe...that while we are unsafe; lave wash
35vizards masks
36leave leave off, stop
39Nature's copy Nature's copyhold (their lease on life); eterne eternal
43shard-born born in dung
46chuck chick (term of affection)
47seeling sewing up, hooding (from falconry)
48Scarf up blindfold; pitiful pitying, compassionate
50bond contract (Banquo's tenure of life)
52rooky i.e., full of birds
III.3 Outside the castle
2He...mistrust we need not mistrust this man
3offices duties
4To...just according to the precise instructions
6lated belated
7gain...inn reach the inn in good time
11within...expectation on the list of those invited
13His...about i.e., he's walking his horses
23Was't...way wasn't that the plan
III.4 The great hall of the palace
1degrees relative rank, order of precedence
4society the company
6keeps her state remains seated in her chair of state
10encounter greet
19nonpareil absolute best
21perfect flawless
22founded solidly based
23broad and general unconfined and omnipresent; casing enveloping
24cabined pent up; cribbed boxed in
25saucy insolent; safe safely disposed of (i.e., dead)