12goose foolish
16over-red paint red (i.e., with ruddy courage)
17patch fool
22push attack
23disseat unseat
25sere dry, withered
37horses horsemen; skirr scour
44Raze out erase
45oblivious causing forgetfulness
49physic medicine
52dispatch hurry
52-53cast...water analyze the urine (as a way of diagnosing illness)
60it i.e., the remaining armor
61bane destruction
V.4 Before Birnam Wood
2chambers private rooms (i.e., our homes);nothing not at all
5shadow conceal
6discovery (Macbeth's) reconnaissance
10setting down before laying siege to
11where...given as the opportunity presents itself
12more...revolt high and low (i.e., nobility and commoners) have rebelled against him
14just censures impartial judgment
15Attend...event await the actual result
20certain...arbitrate blows must decide the final outcome
21war army
V.5 Inside Macbeth's castle
4ague fever
5forced reinforced
6dareful defiant
11fell head