12dismal treatise frightening story
14Direness horror
15start frighten
18a time i.e., an appropriate time
31say insist
40cling shrivel; sooth truth
42pull in curb, check
43doubt suspect; equivocation double-talk
47avouches affirms
50estate order
52harness armor
V.6 Fields outside Dunsinane Castle
4battle battalion
6order battle plan
7power forces
V.7 The same
2course attack (like a bear tied to a stake and baited by dogs)
17kerns mercenary foot soldiers
18staves lances
20undeeded having done nothing
21note importance
22bruited indicated, noised
24gently rendered surrendered calmly (or nobly)
27itself professes declares itself
29strike beside us (1) fight on our side, (2) strike to one side of us
V.8 2Whiles...lives as long as I see living creatures
V.8 2Whiles...lives as long as I see living creatures
5charged burdened
8give thee out describe you
9intrenchant incapable of being cut