67 lets hinders
69 waxes grows
71 Have after let's follow
71 issue outcome
73 it i.e. the issue
Act 1 Scene 5
2 Mark listen, pay attention to
9 unfold reveal
10 bound ready/under obligation
17 But were it not
20 harrow up distress/tear up
21 like ... spheres individual stars and planets were thought to be contained within concentric hollow spheres that revolved around the earth 22 knotty ... locks neat and carefully styled hair
24 porpentine porcupine
25 eternal blazon revelation of the secrets of the eternal world
26 List listen
31 in the best even at best
34 meditation thought
35 sweep swoop in sudden attack
36 apt fit/ready/responsive
37 duller ... be you would be more sluggish
38 Lethe wharf the banks of the Lethe, the river of forgetfulness in the classical underworld 40 orchard garden
42 forged process fabricated account
43 Rankly excessively/foully
47 adulterate adulterous
48 gifts natural talents/presents
51 will sexual desire
53 dignity worth, excellence
55 decline Upon sink to
58 virtue, as it as virtue
61 sate itself become satiated/grow weary