HAMLET Nay, that follows not405.
POLONIUS What follows, then, my lord?
'As by lot, God wot408',
and then, you know,
'It came to pass, as most like410 it was' --
the first row of the pious chanson411 will show you more,
for look where my abridgements412 come.--
Enter four or five Players
You're welcome, masters, welcome all.-- I am glad to see
thee well.-- Welcome, good friends.-- O, my old friend! Thy
face is valanced since I saw thee last: com'st thou to beard415
me in Denmark?-- What, my young lady and mistress! By'r416
lady, your ladyship417 is nearer heaven than when I saw you
last, by the altitude of a chopine418. Pray God your voice, like a
piece of uncurrent gold, be not cracked within the ring419.
Masters, you are all welcome. We'll e'en to't420 like French
falconers, fly at anything we see. We'll have a speech
straight: come, give us a taste of your quality422: come, a
passionate speech.
FIRST PLAYER What speech, my lord?
HAMLET I heard thee speak me a speech once, but it was
never acted, or if it was, not above once, for the play, I
remember, pleased not the million: 'twas caviar to the427
general. But it was -- as I received it, and others, whose
judgement in such matters cried in the top of429 mine -- an
excellent play, well digested430 in the scenes, set down with as
much modesty as cunning431. I remember one said there was
no sallets in the lines to make the matter savoury432, nor no
matter in the phrase that might indict433 the author of