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Claiming His Prize (Killer of Kings 5)

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Boss nodded slowly as if lost in thought. “I have to make an example of you, Chains. Whether I want to or not.”

“What does that mean?”

“I’ve always loved that property of yours up north,” said Boss. “And you really believed I didn’t know about it? Cute.”

Killian sat on the edge of the desk, looking bored.

“Let’s not bullshit around. What have you decided?” asked Chains.

Boss smirked, walking around with his hands clasped behind his back. “You remind me of Killian. I brought you both to America, both orphans, both used to living in shitholes. Everything went great until you found women.”

“Then why am I the one being punished?”

Boss tutted. “You want to know what I decided? Tell him, Killian.”

Killian ran a hand through his blond hair. “You said you were going to fire him.”

“Fire him,” Boss repeated. “That’s never happened, has it, Chains?”

He shook his head.

“Of course not, because I don’t fire people, I make them disappear. No potential problems that way.”

“I’ll go far away. I won’t make any problems for you or the company, you know that,” said Chains.

Boss laughed, an evil, twisted sound. “You’d love that wouldn’t you?” Then he stopped in his tracks. “Like I’ve told you before, I can’t leave you unpunished, and that wouldn’t be punishment. So, you’ll be in charge of training El Diablo. That whiny bastard will be your shadow until he meets Killer of Kings’ standards. After that point, you can choose to walk away or stay on. As long as there are no more fuckups.”

“Fuck that shit. I can’t stand that pompous asshole. I won’t do it!”

Lori burst back in the office, rushing over to him. “Chains! Take the damn deal,” said Lori.

Boss and Killian chuckled. “Better listen to your woman, Chains. She’s a smart one,” said Killian.

She looked up at Chains, pleading with her eyes, holding him tighter. Some of the tension in his muscles eased.

“Fine.” He said nothing more.

“Thank you,” she said to Boss.

“I didn’t do it for you, sweetheart.” He turned to Chains. “I did it for him. He’s always been like a son to me.”

Boss jutted his head to Killian, and the other man reluctantly got off the desk. He clapped Chains hard on the shoulder before walking to the door. “Better you than me, eh?” Killian laughed as he left.

“El Diablo will be healing up for a while. He’s a real fucking pussy. Take the next couple weeks to get your shit together. And take care of your girl. She’s been through enough.” Then he pointed to the exit.

Chains rushed them out to the elevator once given the chance. “I can’t believe he pulled this on me.”

“How are you complaining? I thought I could lose you, Chains.”

“Training recruits doesn’t take a couple weeks. This isn’t a department store. It’ll take years. That means years o

f dealing with that prick, having him underfoot constantly.”

“He’s not so bad. He set me free, remember?”

He growled after a lengthy silence. “I’m an idiot.”

“Why would you say that?”

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