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Claiming His Prize (Killer of Kings 5)

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“I worried about me instead of thinking about you. You’re absolutely fucking right, baby. We’re both alive, and we have each other. That’s what matters.”

They held hands. “I don’t ask for much. I just need you,” she said.

“Since I’m alive and well, which is better than I expected, we’ll still be paying for your brothers and sisters to get a good education and on their feet. You love them, and whatever’s important to you is important to me.”

“Thank you.”

“Remember when I asked you to tell me your happy memories. And they weren’t about you?” She nodded. “I understand now. Because I’ve fallen in love.”

They kissed slowly, sensually.

“Good and bad, I’m here. I’m yours,” she said.

“I’d go through all the bullshit in my life all over again if I knew you were the prize.” He cupped the side of her face, using his thumb to wipe away a tear.

“I love you, Chains. I’d still be in the same miserable place in my life if you hadn’t come in my diner that night.”

He winked. “You were right about the pie.” They both smiled, remembering the crazy memories. “And I promise I’ll spend the rest of my life treating you with the love and respect you deserve.”

She collapsed against him, and he held her tight. Together, they headed back to the cottage. Their little slice of heaven. She’d never look back, never regret a thing. She may have come from lowly roots, but Chains made her feel like a princess.

They’d saved each other, both given a second chance at happiness. Chains may be a killer, a hitman for hire, but he was hers, and she wouldn’t change a thing about him.

The End

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